Sale of iPhone 3GS in Russia will begin on February 15


    According to the newspaper Kommersant, sales of the iPhone 3GS communicator in Russia will begin on February 15, just before the holidays of March 8 and February 23, when the purchasing power of the population is higher than usual. Also, Kommersant noted that the "big three" of Russian operators - MTS, MegaFon and VimpelCom - agreed with Apple to supply a small first batch of 30-50 thousand units. Operators have yet to determine the day sales start, presumably this will be February 15th. The cost of the most popular iPhone 3GS model with 16 GB of internal memory is 30 thousand rubles.
    iPhone 3GS Russia

    True, there is one catch - the planned release of iPhone 3GS in Russia may fail due to the new norms of the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, which entered into force on January 1 of this year. This is due to the need to issue licenses. At the moment, Apple is negotiating with customs, and it is hoped that the new product will be on sale by the holidays. Euroset President Alexander Malis predicts approximately 20 thousand units sold in the first month of sales, and then 3-5 thousand units per month.

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