January 28 - “Adobe Acrobat - Desktop Center for Interaction and Document Processing”, free Softkey webinar and Adobe Systems Russia

    Softkey Internet Supermarket and Adobe Systems Russia hold an online seminar for heads of automation departments, heads of IT departments, specialists responsible for developing the IT direction in companies, as well as everyone who works with PDF files and wants to do it more productively .

    The online seminar is dedicated to the creation, editing, optimization, protection of PDF files using Adobe Acrobat , as well as its use for corporate purposes.

    Date: January 28, 2010
    Time: from 11:00 to 12:00 hours (Moscow time).
    Topic: "Adobe Acrobat - a desktop center for collaboration and document processing."
    Speaker:Andrey Suslov, Business Development Director, Adobe Systems Russia, Enterprise Solutions.

    You can register for the webinar here - www.softkey.ru/webinars/detail.php?ID=1042&referer1=habr .
    The event itself will take place on a special venue Softkey - .

    In the webinar program:

    Adobe Acrobat is a desktop tool for managing PDF documents and collaboration.

    Creation and optimization of PDF documents:
    - Scanning and text recognition.
    - Convert from MS Office formats.
    - Converting letters MS Outlook.
    - Convert web pages.
    - Document optimization.
    - Combining files in a portfolio.
    - Setting (customization) of the portfolio.
    - Portfolio Management.

    Editing PDF documents.

    Protection and security of PDF documents.

    Application in corporate work:
    - Use of Adobe Acrobat for tasks of joint preparation and reviewing of documents.
    - The use of Adobe Acrobat for creating, sending forms, collecting data through forms.
    Industrial examples:
    - Customization (customization) of the portfolio.
    - Portfolio Management.

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