I ask for help

    Dear Habrasociety.
    My topic is caused by the article "Operation" Blow up the swamp "" Under the cut my unbridled fantasies on the subject of computerization of education.
    Now I appeal to all those who are not indifferent to the fate of modern Russian education. I don’t know, maybe this is somewhat pretentious, but I think the situation needs to be corrected. And, in my opinion, all the prospects have developed for solving this problem: the crisis state of education, the technical ability, and the political will of the supreme power.
    I work in the Republican Center for Continuing Education of Children. And I see the situation in education firsthand. Over the past 10 years, the level of education in fundamental subjects has fallen significantly. But most importantly, the prestige of education has fallen. Educational institutions have really turned into a stagnant swamp, where the only movement is the extortion of “voluntary” material assistance. I think the situation needs to be changed, and I think I know how. But I realized that this is beyond my abilities. Therefore, I turn to you for help.
    The idea lies, so to speak, in the field of a popular trend - virtual provision of state funds. services. After all, education is one of the services along with medicine and housing and communal services provided by the state.
    My idea is to form Internet portals coordinating the work of students on the basis of the Center for Continuing Education. And now I am ready to answer questions that you are ready to ask :)
    Why additional education, not schools? IMHO, the stake in development must be placed on enthusiastic children. And such children are traditionally concentrated in circles and sections in additional education.
    Why exactly your Center?I recently returned from a business trip to Rostov in the regional Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity. There were presented all CSTT in the Southern Federal District. I talked with people, looked at the level of presentations - our Center at the general level in the field of Information Technology looks very worthy. 2 computer classes (10 apple + 9 PC). Author's developmental programs teach programming, not stupid "mouse-teaching". All departments are computerized. In general, we are not hopeless.
    An important feature of the Center is the amount of contracts with universities for which we carry out targeted training. Those Olympiads and competitions in which we participate.
    What do I want to get as a result?
    A single informational and methodological complex including:
    • The site of the Center is a static rarely adjusted part + calendar of events.
    • Pages held Olympiads and Contests.
    • Blogs of teachers and students. Moreover, both teachers and students of the Center itself, as well as “guests”.
    • An electronic portfolio of students and teachers.
    • Distance learning system.
    • The system of remote writing of creative works (electronic cabinet).
    • Social network of graduates.
    • Electronic document management system.
    • Periodic electronic edition - electronic magazine + children's online newspaper.
    • An experimental site for the introduction of open source software in additional education.

    Where did you find such mushrooms? No, it's not about them. Just working with children on creative projects develops an unbridled fantasy :)
    What is our interest from participating in this project? This project is extremely relevant. It seems to me that the President made it clear that we will move along the path of further informatization of society. that is, if you manage to create a worthwhile product - it can actually be sold.
    And then why do you need us? You, as already said, are not an IT specialist.
    In addition to the technical work, a great deal of work needs to be done on the methodological support of the project. All this is a pedagogical “blah blah blah” of which the modern work of the teacher consists. Without this, it will be another "spherical horse in a vacuum" - such as a school portal. That is, the project must be done at a living educational institution.
    Good. And what other wishes will you have for the project?
    I would also like it to be written in Python. I believe this language has long been asked in our education.
    P / S
    It's a dream!
    But in reality, the idea appeared almost a year ago. But to do something on the basis of ready-made engines did not work. Closest to Drupal, but still - this is a stillborn option. The design will not fly :(
    If it doesn’t work out, I’ll probably start all over again. Slowly myself. I agree to any help. But I'm an amateur, but I want a professional product.
    Discussed the issue with the general - he gave the go-ahead. If you still need to pull up people.

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