Start in Garage in St. Petersburg

    January 22,23 and 29,30 in St. Petersburg will host a Start in Garage seminar for Internet entrepreneurs.

    1. Creating an online startup. Business models. Ways to monetize.
    2. Development and selection of an online project development strategy. Value chain.
    3. Formulation and verification of business hypotheses. Positioning and finding a niche in the market.
    4. From idea to product: action plan, team, processes for developing Internet projects.
    5. Attracting visitors: messages, communication channels, calculation and conversion increase.
    6. Retention of the target audience: involvement of participants in Internet projects, reducing the number of failures.
    7. Monetization of the company, depending on the chosen business model. Cases.
    8. Evaluation of the results and development plans of the project.
    9. Evaluation of the cost of the Internet project. Entrepreneurial finance and investment.
    10. Modern technological trends. Opinions of experts.

    Practical exercises:
    • case solving (team tasks, presentation of solutions)
    • preparation of presentations for investors (preparation of project resumes in teams, project presentation, feedback and audience recommendations)
    • exercises for formulating and testing business hypotheses

    Format: 4 days of intensive training.

    Organizers: RIS Ventures with the support of Microsoft and venture capital funds eVenture Capital Partners, Mangrove Capital Partners.

    Discounts: the first three projects that submitted applications with the code word WBG09CRT1 will receive a discount: the cost of participation will be 15,990 rubles. With timely payment, the full cost of participation will be 17765 rubles.

    Materials from the seminar will be posted for everyone.

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