Recycle, Recycle and Recycle (VI Lenin)
It was always interesting to watch how some innovative ideas are loudly announced somewhere, and somewhere quietly and without much pump are being implemented (nanotechnology, energy-saving and others). And then the example itself came to hand, by mail. I ordered samples from microchips in a very famous company. A cardboard parcel arrived from the states, opening which I was at first surprised to find out what kind of straw they stuffed there. And when I reviewed the content I was simply delighted with the idea - it is so simple as useful. Useful to all of us.
As far as I can tell, now almost everyone is packing fragile materials using bubble plastic packaging. Having expanded the goods and cracking plenty of bubbles ( it turns out, this process has a calming effect due to the harmless implementation of the destructive impulses inherent to the individual), we send the used film to the trash. We usually do not care that, at best, this film will be burned at a landfill, emitting toxic products of combustion of polyethylene into the atmosphere.
But in this case, paper was used, and the qualities are quite characteristic of already recycled material. And paper has a softening property due to its peculiar perforation, which turned it into a springy wrapping material. Even if this paper is thrown away, it will do absolutely no harm whether it is burned or simply rotted in the soil. The packaging also has a reminder of how important it is to recycle waste. Now it’s easy to imagine how such a small, but very innovative idea on the scale, even of one overseas country, will help to worsen the environment and human health. But how many of these ideas are applied with us? Are they even interesting to anyone?