10 TOP-s of the blogosphere of Runet, who came to the conclusion of the TOP of Yandex with what
On November 3, 2009, Yandex, without suspecting it (or maybe the other way around - perfectly understanding everything and quietly chuckling) organized an online contest with very unusual conditions.
Everyone, probably, remembers how a month ago a shock wave of an information bomb swept across the RuNet - Yandex closes the rating of popular entries of the day. Someone dug up another nail in the coffin of glasnost and democracy in this news, someone reproached Yandex for deflection in front of the authorities, and someone saw a muzzle hidden in his pocket, because the rating of popular records did not go away, but simply switched to "Semi-underground" position. But there were those who rolled up their sleeves and decided to try their luck - to try to make your own best rating in Runet yourself.
Because, to judge, all the attendant attributes of the competition are obvious.
The specific deadline for accepting entries is officially announced on December 1. A whole month was given for the embodiment of any creative ideas. Everyone could take part in the competition, whether it be an organization or a private person, the terms of participation were even published - the project that entered the competition must indicate the key phrase: “When compiling the ratings, we used data obtained using Yandex. Blog Search. Yandex is not related to the methodology for compiling the ratings themselves ”and put a linkto the website of the contest organizers. Everything is like people. All that was lacking was the fashionable condition in network PR campaigns to place a banner on your page and add Yandex to your friends, but who can say that Yandex is not his friend?
In short, the competitive component is available, let's see how the applicants coped with the task. In fact, it is clear that the main competition and the struggle for readers will begin only after December 1, when the Yandex rating finally closes, and each participant will be left alone with an army of users who are suffering what to chew on today.
But this will be a completely different story. The rating wars will begin, administrative, corporate and simply financial resources will be included, advertising spam, recriminations and searches for errors in the competitor’s code,theft of borrowing ideas, black PR, and so on ... will be used ... Well, have you seen spiders in the bank? And in business it’s always so, what can we say about a young and hectic Internet business.
However, today I would like to summarize the more or less honest stage, when everyone had a similar task and the same starting conditions. To date, I know 10 participants - 10 projects that submitted, by December 1, operating to one degree or another (month - short term) rating services for popular posts of the Russian-speaking blogosphere. I excluded from the review ratings that do not use data provided by Yandex. Blog Search, such as, for example, TOP Ziusa or TOP LiveJournal.
So, here is the list of participants who came to the finish in alphabetical order:
http : //lleo.aha.ru/blog/yandextop
Let's see who was able to achieve what in the allotted month, and with what ideas I got to the finish line. Let me remind you once again, we will only consider what the participants managed to do , and that each of the plans has a ton of unrealized ideas and we will leave it to future potential users to understand.
1. http://alltopnews.ru/

Features and advantages: Breakdown of entries into categories (Business / Art / Internet / ...), no competitor has this, archive of TOPs in the past days, the ability to view all rating entries, and not only the top 30-50 lines.
Disadvantages:There is no preview of the first lines of entries, there is no preview of the photo, there are no previews of userpic bloggers.
Technical implementation 7 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
2. http://artlebedev.ru/tools/blogs/

Features and advantages of the service: One of the first working services, appeared just a couple of days after the announcement of the start of the competition. There are userpics of bloggers, preview entries.
Disadvantages: In addition to being one of the first TOPs launched, the service has no other advantages. The promises of RSS, graphs, analytics, and other ratings both appeared a month ago and hang, remaining nothing more than promises.
Technical implementation 6 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.

Features and advantages: There are user statistics - previous hits of the blogger in the TOP, search by rating.
Disadvantages: There are no userpic bloggers, and in general on the entire page of the service there is not a single picture. Perhaps this is even a plus - the service loads quickly, good for slow connections. The date of the rating is not indicated, only the time. What if it's the data of yesterday?
Technical implementation of 7 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
4. http://ljrate.ru/

Features and advantages: The best graphic implementation to date (in my personal opinion, of course). Convenient preview of pictures from the record, the original solution of round userpics, nice design.
Disadvantages: If I understood correctly, this is a rating of entries only from LiveJournal. Also, the service does not have a single original feature (except for round userpics), it is an almost complete copy of the existing TOP Yandex, but where are your ideas? All went to the design?
Technical implementation 8 out of 10.
Design: 10 out of 10. (compared with competitors)
5. http://lleo.aha.ru/blog/yandextop

Features and advantages: Very simple graphical implementation. On the one hand, this advantage is nothing more. One feels that the rating was written for oneself, and not for the general public. A lot of sorting settings, almost everything that Yandex gives.
Disadvantages:Very simple graphical implementation. On the other hand, this is a drawback - there is nothing, neither a preview of the images from the record, nor userpics, nothing at all. Visually does not share entries from bloggers and from LJ communities. In general, everything is very, very simple. Although, again, for someone it is rather a virtue. The page is light, it loads quickly.
Technical implementation 6 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
6. http://lopni.ru/

Features and advantages: Splitting the rating into “Hot discussions” and “Most important” (though it’s not clear what it is, it seems these are simply disguised TOPs by links and comments). There is a dynamic movement of records up and down.
Disadvantages:Overly simple graphical implementation. There are no previews of the first lines of entries, no images, there is not even a separation of blog servers, all entries are displayed under one standard user picture. The complete absence of any settings.
Technical implementation 5 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
7. http://rublogs.info/

Features and advantages: The service is aimed at personalizing the rating, i.e. on compiling a personal TOP. It is possible to exclude annoyed bloggers from the personal rating, although in contrast to this there is the possibility of obtaining a random sample. There is the possibility of previewing all the photos from the record, and not just the first. The extraordinary concept of the last warning.
Disadvantages:Poor design. For such a hand would tear off!
Technical implementation of 8 out of 10.
Design: 4 out of 10.
8. http://t30p.ru/

Features and advantages: Implemented a cloud of tags (keywords), search by rating, there is a preview of the pictures and text of the entry, there is RSS and mailing to email, a lot of things have been done.
Minuses: It’s hard to even name. Well, a little crooked design, perhaps.
Technical implementation of 9 out of 10.
Design: 7 out of 10.
9. http://top-50.ru/

Features and advantages: Nice design. It is convenient to leave feedback. There is a rating breakdown on blog services, there is a convenient sorting.
Disadvantages:There is nothing new. Others have it all, what do you think stand out?
Technical implementation 7 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
10. http://whoyougle.ru/blogs/

Features and advantages: The ability to influence the ranking of records yourself - the "equalizer" was first implemented on this service. The same is true with the preview images from the recording.
Disadvantages: At the moment there are no bloggers userpics, the service is not a separate project, but is included in the whoyougle system, hence the constantly hanging advertising banners and other extraneous links on the rating page.
Technical implementation of 8 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
It remains to wish all participants good luck and a fair fight in the future. Indeed, in fact, only for TOP Yandex is the finish line, for everyone else it is only the beginning of the way.
After overturning the rating, reel on the mustache TOPs are good for different people, choose to taste!
Everyone, probably, remembers how a month ago a shock wave of an information bomb swept across the RuNet - Yandex closes the rating of popular entries of the day. Someone dug up another nail in the coffin of glasnost and democracy in this news, someone reproached Yandex for deflection in front of the authorities, and someone saw a muzzle hidden in his pocket, because the rating of popular records did not go away, but simply switched to "Semi-underground" position. But there were those who rolled up their sleeves and decided to try their luck - to try to make your own best rating in Runet yourself.
Because, to judge, all the attendant attributes of the competition are obvious.
The specific deadline for accepting entries is officially announced on December 1. A whole month was given for the embodiment of any creative ideas. Everyone could take part in the competition, whether it be an organization or a private person, the terms of participation were even published - the project that entered the competition must indicate the key phrase: “When compiling the ratings, we used data obtained using Yandex. Blog Search. Yandex is not related to the methodology for compiling the ratings themselves ”and put a linkto the website of the contest organizers. Everything is like people. All that was lacking was the fashionable condition in network PR campaigns to place a banner on your page and add Yandex to your friends, but who can say that Yandex is not his friend?
In short, the competitive component is available, let's see how the applicants coped with the task. In fact, it is clear that the main competition and the struggle for readers will begin only after December 1, when the Yandex rating finally closes, and each participant will be left alone with an army of users who are suffering what to chew on today.
But this will be a completely different story. The rating wars will begin, administrative, corporate and simply financial resources will be included, advertising spam, recriminations and searches for errors in the competitor’s code,
However, today I would like to summarize the more or less honest stage, when everyone had a similar task and the same starting conditions. To date, I know 10 participants - 10 projects that submitted, by December 1, operating to one degree or another (month - short term) rating services for popular posts of the Russian-speaking blogosphere. I excluded from the review ratings that do not use data provided by Yandex. Blog Search, such as, for example, TOP Ziusa or TOP LiveJournal.
So, here is the list of participants who came to the finish in alphabetical order:
http : //lleo.aha.ru/blog/yandextop
Let's see who was able to achieve what in the allotted month, and with what ideas I got to the finish line. Let me remind you once again, we will only consider what the participants managed to do , and that each of the plans has a ton of unrealized ideas and we will leave it to future potential users to understand.
1. http://alltopnews.ru/

Features and advantages: Breakdown of entries into categories (Business / Art / Internet / ...), no competitor has this, archive of TOPs in the past days, the ability to view all rating entries, and not only the top 30-50 lines.
Disadvantages:There is no preview of the first lines of entries, there is no preview of the photo, there are no previews of userpic bloggers.
Technical implementation 7 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
2. http://artlebedev.ru/tools/blogs/

Features and advantages of the service: One of the first working services, appeared just a couple of days after the announcement of the start of the competition. There are userpics of bloggers, preview entries.
Disadvantages: In addition to being one of the first TOPs launched, the service has no other advantages. The promises of RSS, graphs, analytics, and other ratings both appeared a month ago and hang, remaining nothing more than promises.
Technical implementation 6 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.

Features and advantages: There are user statistics - previous hits of the blogger in the TOP, search by rating.
Disadvantages: There are no userpic bloggers, and in general on the entire page of the service there is not a single picture. Perhaps this is even a plus - the service loads quickly, good for slow connections. The date of the rating is not indicated, only the time. What if it's the data of yesterday?
Technical implementation of 7 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
4. http://ljrate.ru/

Features and advantages: The best graphic implementation to date (in my personal opinion, of course). Convenient preview of pictures from the record, the original solution of round userpics, nice design.
Disadvantages: If I understood correctly, this is a rating of entries only from LiveJournal. Also, the service does not have a single original feature (except for round userpics), it is an almost complete copy of the existing TOP Yandex, but where are your ideas? All went to the design?
Technical implementation 8 out of 10.
Design: 10 out of 10. (compared with competitors)
5. http://lleo.aha.ru/blog/yandextop

Features and advantages: Very simple graphical implementation. On the one hand, this advantage is nothing more. One feels that the rating was written for oneself, and not for the general public. A lot of sorting settings, almost everything that Yandex gives.
Disadvantages:Very simple graphical implementation. On the other hand, this is a drawback - there is nothing, neither a preview of the images from the record, nor userpics, nothing at all. Visually does not share entries from bloggers and from LJ communities. In general, everything is very, very simple. Although, again, for someone it is rather a virtue. The page is light, it loads quickly.
Technical implementation 6 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
6. http://lopni.ru/

Features and advantages: Splitting the rating into “Hot discussions” and “Most important” (though it’s not clear what it is, it seems these are simply disguised TOPs by links and comments). There is a dynamic movement of records up and down.
Disadvantages:Overly simple graphical implementation. There are no previews of the first lines of entries, no images, there is not even a separation of blog servers, all entries are displayed under one standard user picture. The complete absence of any settings.
Technical implementation 5 out of 10.
Design: 6 out of 10.
7. http://rublogs.info/

Features and advantages: The service is aimed at personalizing the rating, i.e. on compiling a personal TOP. It is possible to exclude annoyed bloggers from the personal rating, although in contrast to this there is the possibility of obtaining a random sample. There is the possibility of previewing all the photos from the record, and not just the first. The extraordinary concept of the last warning.
Disadvantages:Poor design. For such a hand would tear off!
Technical implementation of 8 out of 10.
Design: 4 out of 10.
8. http://t30p.ru/

Features and advantages: Implemented a cloud of tags (keywords), search by rating, there is a preview of the pictures and text of the entry, there is RSS and mailing to email, a lot of things have been done.
Minuses: It’s hard to even name. Well, a little crooked design, perhaps.
Technical implementation of 9 out of 10.
Design: 7 out of 10.
9. http://top-50.ru/

Features and advantages: Nice design. It is convenient to leave feedback. There is a rating breakdown on blog services, there is a convenient sorting.
Disadvantages:There is nothing new. Others have it all, what do you think stand out?
Technical implementation 7 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
10. http://whoyougle.ru/blogs/

Features and advantages: The ability to influence the ranking of records yourself - the "equalizer" was first implemented on this service. The same is true with the preview images from the recording.
Disadvantages: At the moment there are no bloggers userpics, the service is not a separate project, but is included in the whoyougle system, hence the constantly hanging advertising banners and other extraneous links on the rating page.
Technical implementation of 8 out of 10.
Design: 8 out of 10.
It remains to wish all participants good luck and a fair fight in the future. Indeed, in fact, only for TOP Yandex is the finish line, for everyone else it is only the beginning of the way.
After overturning the rating, reel on the mustache TOPs are good for different people, choose to taste!