Microsoft cannot uncover source Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool

    A post posted on the Microsoft Port 25 blog showed that the company was unable to disclose the Windows 7 USB / DVD Download Tool application code. Microsoft acknowledged that the utility contains an application code - ImageMaster, distributed under the GPL license, which, among other things, was located on the hosting of open source projects Microsoft CodePlex . Peter Galli, Open Source Community Manager, said:
    We worked tirelessly to get the code ready for release today, but we still need to check and localize it.

    The company plans now - to release the source code "in the next few weeks."

    But not everything is as simple as it seems! The original ImageMaster project on CodePlex has disappeared from public access. It was available at , but according to a comment by Sarah Ford, CodePlex's manager, the project was removed from publication at the request of the project owners. Sarah also added that the project can be opened at any time, although no reasons and explanations for why the ImageMaster project disappeared were reported.

    Source: h-online

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