The evaluation of Market users now on the store’s website

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When you order goods in an online store, you want to be sure that there will be no problems with the purchase : the price will be true, the managers are polite, the couriers are punctual. The most reliable way to find out about the quality of the store is to use collective experience - reviews and ratings of other customers.

Many stores located on Yandex.Market closely monitor their ratings, comment on reviews, solve problems and are generally open to communication. More than 300 of them have already installed a dynamic banner on their website, which in real time shows their average rating on the Market, offers to read reviews about the store or leave their feedback if there are not enough others. Such banners are already seen by about 200 thousand users daily.

So, if you went to the website of an online store and found such a banner with the Yandex.Market logo, you can take this fact as evidence of the store’s respect for the opinions of its customers. Click to get the most objective and reliable information about the store - the experience of other customers communicating with it!

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