Skype in Russia: dotting i

    Skype problem on Echo of Moscow:

    The text version will be a little later

    Another today's show with "Echo" ("Big EchoNet") dedicated to Skype:

    Take July 21, 2009, the day when the meeting of the Commission of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on telecommunications and information technologies took place. It was held under the leadership of Sergey Lipatov, president of TransTeleCom. At this event, according to the official wording, questions of development and regulation of IP-telephony in Russia were raised.

    On the same day, July 21, social service user Goodlark wrote that she attended this meeting and that the first deputy general director of Megafon made a report in which she heard a clear hostility to IP-telephony as a phenomenon. If you believe Goodlark, there were harsh expressions such as “cannibalizing traffic” and “parasitizing” ...

    Original on “Echo”

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