A study of the perception of Russian search engines

    USABILITYLAB, together with Ashmanov & Partners, conducted a study of users' perceptions of Russian search engines. The study was carried out using the method of recording eye movements of users when perceiving search results and contextual advertising in search engines such as Google, Yandex, Rambler, GoGo.

    Dmitry Satin and Andrey Sikorsky presented the results of the study at the 22nd webinar of the UX Russia community .

    A report on the study can be obtained by sending a message to the address: research@usabilitylab.net

    A study of this magnitude is being conducted in RuNet for the first time. As a result, interesting facts were revealed, of course, useful to advertisers, marketers, as well as other specialists involved in promoting products over the Internet.

    The most attractive in search results is the first line. No wonder. However, the next place in attractiveness after the first result of "organic" is not the second line, but the fourth or fifth. This is probably where the so-called “edge effect” arises - users look at the first and last positions more. In addition, user attention varies depending on the text of the link. Favorite advertisers' call to action "(Call-to-action) works here. So, an ad that starts with the word “order” has a better chance of attracting user attention than a similar one, but starting with the word “tickets”.

    It turns out that the perception of information depends on the age of users. Older people (from 33 to 40 years old) more carefully study the text of links in the search results (snippets), pay more attention to advertising banners. Surprisingly, they make fewer transitions compared to younger users (25 to 32 years old).

    The study revealed that men and women look at the same pages differently. Men are more concentrated, do not finish snippets to the end. Women carefully examine the search results and carefully read the text.

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