On-line services creating html containing highlighted code based on the original code

    This can be useful to people involved in the generation of content of resources and those who are typesetting this content or simply add using a certain resource interface.
    Sometimes when filling a project with information content, you need to list the script or program on the page. And, of course, there is a desire that it be formatted accordingly, highlighted in accordance with the syntax of the language, and even the lines are numbered. Next, I present several resources that online form the html we need based on the original code.

    The list is not intended to be exhaustive. I brought here only those resources that I could find and which I liked.


    Author Anton Shevchuk .
    There is a special option "for a habr".
    Able to number lines.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    ABAP, ActionScript, ActionScript (French Doc Links), Ada, Apache Log File, AppleScript, ASM (NASM based), ASP, AutoIT, Bash, Basic4GL, BlitzBasic, Backus-Naur form, C, C for Macs, CAD DCL, CAD Lisp, CFDG, ColdFusion, C ++, C ++ / QT, C #, CSS, D, Delphi, Diff, DIV, DOS, GraphViz, Eiffel, Fortran, FreeBasic, Genero (4GL), glSlang, GML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML (4.0 .1), Uno IDL, Inno, IO, Java, Java 5, Javascript, LaTeX, Lisp, Lua, Matlab, mIRC, MPASM, MySQL, NullSoft Installer, Objective C, OCaml, OCaml (Brief), Openoffice.org BASIC, Oracle 8, Pascal, Per (4GL), Perl, PHP, PHP (Brief version), PL / SQL, Python, QBasic / QuickBASIC, Rails, Windows Registry, robots.txt, Ruby, SAS, Scheme, SDLBasic, Smalltalk, Smarty , SQL, TCL, Plain text, thinBasic, T-SQL, VisualBasic, VB.NET, VHDL, VisualFoxPro, Winbatch, XML, X ++, Z80 Assembler


    Made a Topbot .
    Good resource.
    The only negative is somewhat cluttered with all sorts of indecency.
    Can form data and presentation separately. That is, CSS will be separate. And in html markup there will be classes.
    Can number lines.
    Allows you to copy the original code (though indirectly to the project site) and html.
    There is some function of automatic language detection.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    Bash, CSharp, JavaScript, Php, Python, RubyRails, SmallTalk, TSQL, VisualBasic, XML


    Made by Veign .
    Habr cut his backlight.
    He can number lines, he can not number lines, he can number them “for fun”.
    It can enable or disable automatic code wrapping on a new line.
    Allows you to determine the size of the tab in spaces.
    Can form data and presentation separately. That is, CSS will be separate. And in html markup there will be classes. (Combine Style and HTML Code)
    Allows you to highlight the language within another language. For example php in an html file. (Strict Mode)
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    ABAP, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, Ada, Apache Log File, AppleScript, ASM (NASM based), ASP, AutoIT, Bash, Basic 4gl, BlitzBasic, Backus-Naur form, C, C for Macs, CAD DCL, CAD Lisp, CFDG , ColdFusion, C ++, C ++ / QT, C #, CSS, D, Delphi, Diff, DIV, DOS, GraphViz, Eiffel, Fortran, FreeBasic, Genero (4GL), GetText, Glsl, GML, Groovy, Haskell, HTML (4.0. 1), Uno IDL, Ini, Inno, IO, Java, Java 5, Javascript, Kixtart, LaTeX, Lisp, Lotus Formulas, Lotus Script, Lua, M68k, Matlab, mIRC, MPASM, MXML, MySQL, NullSoft Installer, Objective C , OCaml, OCaml (Brief), Openoffice.org BASIC, Oracle 8, Pascal, Per (4GL), Perl, PHP, PHP (Brief version), PL / SQL, Python, QBasic / QuickBASIC, Rails, Windows Registry, robots. txt, Ruby, SAS, Scala, Scheme, SDLBasic, Smalltalk, Smarty, SQL, TCL, Plain text, thinBasic, T-SQL, Visual Basic, VB.NET, Verilog, VHDL, Visual FoxPro,Winbatch, XML, X ++, Z80 Assembler


    The author seems to be Simon Hudson .
    Does not know how to generate html code mixed with styles. Only through classes.
    Line numbering could not be disabled.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    JavaScript, Powershell / Monad, C ++, C #, CSS, Delphi / Pascal, Java, PHP, Python, Ruby, SQL, VB / VB.Net, XML / HTML


    Author Oleg Parashchenko
    Does not know how to number lines.
    Does not know how to form separate markup, separate styles.
    There is an automatic recognition to the language.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    Java, C, Visual Basic, PHP, C ++, Perl, Python, C #, Ruby, JS.NET, VB.NET, Pascal, JavaScript, html, css, css for html, css for svg, jsp, xhtml transitional, xhtml strict , xhtml frameset, asp - VBScript, asp - JavaScript, asp - PerlScript, SVG 1.0, ColdFusion, ActionScript, VBScript, xml, dtd, xslt 1.0, XML Schema, Relax NG, xlink, Clarion, Clipper, FoxPro, SQLJ (Java sql ), Paradox, SQL, PL / SQL, MySQL, Batch / Config.sys / NTcmd, sh / ksh / bash script, Apache httpd.conf, Config, INI and CTL, Colorer HRC, Colorer HRD, Delphi form, Java Compiler Compiler , Java properties, Lex, YACC, makefile, Regedit, Resources, TeX, OpenVMS DCL, VRML, RAR Install Script, Nullsoft Install Script, InnoSetup script, IS script, ASM, 1C, Ada, ABAP / 4, AutoIt 2.x, AWK, Dssp, ADSP-21xx Asm, Baan, Cobol, Cache / Open-M, Eiffel, Forth, Fortran, Haskell, Icon, IDL, Lisp, MatLab,Modula2 and Oberon2, PicAsm, Rexx, Standard ML, OCaml, Tcl / Tk, Sicstus Prolog, Turbo Prolog, Verilog HDL, VHDL, z80asm, asm80, 8051 asm, AVR asm, files.bbs, Diff / Patch, message, plain text , default type


    Author: Salman Ahmed
    Doesn't support line numbering.
    Does not allow you to separate code and styles.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    C #, J #, VB.NET, T-SQL


    Author: obviously ASP.NET Resources
    Doesn't support line numbering.
    Does not allow you to separate code and styles.
    Supports syntax highlighting:

    I found another English-language article:
    blogs.ugidotnet.org/fgiossi/archive/2007/10/16/10-source-code-highlighters. aspx

    If someone can add a resource - please write.
    I will be happy to bring it to the topic.
    I hope the list will be useful to someone.



    Author: lorien aka lizendir
    Thanks: cblp
    Thanks: lizendir
    Insertion into the hub is not particularly possible - the insert goes through span and style, which the hubr does not like.
    But it generates BBCODE! That's cool ^ __ ^ He knows how to
    generate styles separately from markup . The author quickly adds functionality. The author VERY promptly adds new functionality. PS A nice service that is both a highlighter and a dump for the code. I think such a hybrid deserves all respect and attention. Supports syntax highlighting:

    ActionScript, ActionScript 3, ApacheConf, Bash, Batchfile, BBCode, Befunge, Boo, Brainfuck, C, C #, C ++, c-objdump, Cheetah, Clojure, Common Lisp, cpp-objdump, CSS, CSS + Django / Jinja, CSS + Genshi Text, CSS + Mako, CSS + Myghty, CSS + PHP, CSS + Ruby, CSS + Smarty, D, d-objdump, Darcs Patch, Debian Control file, Debian Sourcelist, Diff, Django / Jinja, Dylan, ERB, Erlang , Fortran, GAS, Genshi, Genshi Text, Gettext Catalog, Gnuplot, Groff, Haskell, HTML, HTML + Cheetah, HTML + Django / Jinja, HTML + Genshi, HTML + Mako, HTML + Myghty, HTML + PHP, HTML + Smarty , INI, Io, IRC logs, Java, Java Server Page, JavaScript, JavaScript + Cheetah, JavaScript + Django / Jinja, JavaScript + Genshi Text, JavaScript + Mako, JavaScript + Myghty, JavaScript + PHP, JavaScript + Ruby, JavaScript + Smarty , Lighttpd configuration file, Literate Haskell, LLVM, Logtalk, Lua, Makefile, Makefile, Mako, Matlab,Matlab session, MiniD, MoinMoin / Trac Wiki markup, MOOCode, MuPAD, Myghty, MySQL, NASM, Nginx configuration file, NumPy, objdump, Objective-C, OCaml, Pascal / Delphi, Perl, PHP, POVRay, Python, Python 3, Python console session, Python Traceback, Raw token data, Redcode, reStructuredText, RHTML, Ruby, Ruby irb session, S, Scala, Scheme, Smalltalk, Smarty, SQL, sqlite3con, SquidConf, Tcl, Tcsh, TeX, Text only, VB. net, VimL, ​​XML, XML + Cheetah, XML + Django / Jinja, XML + Mako, XML + Myghty, XML + PHP, XML + Ruby, XML + Smarty, XSLT, YAML, Python, PHP, C ++, BashScala, Scheme, Smalltalk, Smarty, SQL, sqlite3con, SquidConf, Tcl, Tcsh, TeX, Text only, VB.net, VimL, ​​XML, XML + Cheetah, XML + Django / Jinja, XML + Mako, XML + Myghty, XML + PHP, XML + Ruby, XML + Smarty, XSLT, YAML, Python, PHP, C ++, BashScala, Scheme, Smalltalk, Smarty, SQL, sqlite3con, SquidConf, Tcl, Tcsh, TeX, Text only, VB.net, VimL, ​​XML, XML + Cheetah, XML + Django / Jinja, XML + Mako, XML + Myghty, XML + PHP, XML + Ruby, XML + Smarty, XSLT, YAML, Python, PHP, C ++, Bash


    Author: no_smoking
    Thank you so much thanks: no_smoking
    This is an editor made specifically for the Habr.
    Knows a lot of things. Liked it.
    In order to get the highlighted code, you need to insert the code, select it and use the drop-down menu of the code button to select the language. After that, switch to the "text to paste" tab and copy the html.
    You cannot get code with classes, but CSS separately.
    Numbers the line. The creator said that it is being configured somewhere.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    ABAP, ActionScript, ActionScript 3, Ada, Apache configuration, AppleScript, Apt sources, ASM, ASP, AutoIt, AviSynth, Bash, Basic4GL, Brainfuck, BlitzBasic, bnf, Boo, C, C (Mac), CAD DCL, CAD Lisp, CFDG, ColdFusion, CIL, COBOL, C ++ (QT), C ++, C #, CSS, D, Delphi, Diff, DIV, DOS, dot, Eiffel, eMail (mbox), Fortran, FreeBasic, genero, GNU Gettext, glSlang, GML , Gnuplot, Groovy, Haskell, HQ9 +, HTML, Uno Idl, INI, Inno, INTERCAL, Io, Java, Java (TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0, Javascript, KiXtart, KLone C, KLone C ++, LaTeX, Lisp, LOLcode, Lotus Notes @Formulas, LotusScript, LScript, Lua, Motorola 68000 Assembler, GNU make, Matlab M, mIRC Scripting, Microchip Assembler, MXML, MySQL, NSIS, Objective-C, OCaml (brief), OCaml, OpenOffice.org Basic, Oracle 11 SQL, Oracle 8 SQL, Pascal, per, Perl, PHP (brief), PHP, PIC16, Pixel Bender 1.0, PL / SQL, POVRAY,posh, Progress, Prolog, ProvideX, Python, QBasic / QuickBASIC, Rails, Microsoft Registry, robots.txt, Ruby, SAS, Scala, Scheme, SciLab, sdlBasic, Smalltalk, Smarty, SQL, TCL, Tera Term Macro, Text, thinBasic , T-SQL, TypoScript, Visual Basic, vb.net, Verilog, VHDL, Vim Script, Visual Fox Pro, Visual Prolog, Whitespace, Winbatch, XML, Xorg configuration, X ++, ZiLOG Z80 Assembler

    source.virtser.net || www.bankinform.ru/HabraEditor

    Author: PoiSoN
    Thanks: catlion
    Thanks: outcoldman

    The first link is just syntax highlighting.
    The second link is a full-fledged editor that includes a highlighter.

    Special Habroeditor. No, honestly.
    Able to number lines.
    Supports syntax highlighting:
    C #, VB, HTML / XML / ASPX, JavaScript, SQL


    The author seems Stephen Chapman
    Thank you: zaartix
    Is able to nicely format the code.
    Cannot mix styles and code. Uses classes.
    Does not know how to number lines.
    The code can only be obtained through page source.
    Not really, I liked him, to be honest, but maybe I’ll like Kopma.
    Supports syntax highlighting: Javascript

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