ASP.NET MVC Framework Training in Moscow

    A free training on ASP.NET MVC Framework technology "Web Application Development Using ASP.NET MVC Framework" for developers will be held at the Microsoft office in Moscow on March 12. The training is designed for developers who have experience in developing web applications, but are not familiar with ASP.NET MVC Framework technology. Knowledge of ASP.NET technology is appreciated but not required.

    Conducts training - expert on web development technologies Microsoft Gaidar Magdanurov . The training starts at 10.00, and ends at 18.00.

    Training Description

    The purpose of the training is to talk about the new development paradigm for the ASP.NET platform - ASP.NET MVC Framework. The article describes a software model that allows you to clearly separate the presentation code to create an interface from the request processing logic code and the code that works with the data source. This approach allows you to get the ability to effectively automatically test the application logic, which is also discussed at the training.

    Short program:
    1. MVC Framework Overview
    2. Application Development Process Using the MVC Framework
    3. Comparison of MVC and Web Forms
    4. Model and data access
    5. Controller and request processing
    6. Presentation and application interface
    7. Routing mechanisms
    8. AJAX client side
    9. Using ASP.NET Infrastructure
    10. Testing MVC Applications
    Each training participant will be provided with a computer.

    During the training, participants will be provided with coffee and rolls during breaks. Lunch will be held in the dining room of the business center at the expense of the participants themselves.

    Limited number of seats. The confirmation of registration will be received by the first twelve people who leave a comment "Register" to this entry.

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