Is interest falling? or we are the most advanced
Google Trends charts shyly hint - public interest in the term Web 2.0 shows a downward trend. This is probably not surprising. Another excites - the position of Russia in the ranking table.
Based on The Death Of “Web 2.0 ″ by Techcrunch. And also to pay attention once again to Google Trends and Insights for Search ... The
graph above shows the dynamics of the number of requests including the web 2.0 line processed by Google since 2004. It is easy to see - the trend “broke” somewhere in the end of 2007.
What do you think about this?
It is perhaps more interesting what place Russia (or rather the Russian language) occupies in terms of the number of such requests - the first (data averaged over the entire period). We overtook the total interest of all English-speaking countries. You can see it here .
A more advanced tool Google Insights for Searches: for example, it is clear that despite our leadership in the number of requests, our interest is falling faster than in the States.
Google Trends provides an opportunity not only to look at the dynamics of query behavior by words, but also the dynamics of website traffic (including comparative) along with regional traffic sources and “Also visited”, “Also searched for” information.
Google insights for searchallows in addition to receive comparative statistics of requests for different words or lines (for example, you can compare the dynamics of requests “web 2.0” and “porn” ), by region and by time period.
Data (except domain traffic statistics) is normalized and scaled, i.e. the absolute number of requests is not shown. Details with examples and descriptions in the Help: Trends , Insights .
For correct use, log in to your Google account, otherwise some data will not be displayed.
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