Russian President demonstrates his knowledge of Apple programs

    We have long been accustomed to the fact that Dmitry Medvedev, the president of the Russian Federation, likes to flaunt the public with his black "MacBook" or the brand new MacBook Pro. However, yesterday he went even further.

    The President visited the Vologda colony for minors, which is equipped with the latest technology and provides prisoners with ample opportunities for self-education. This was demonstrated to Medvedev by local officials, bringing him to a computer class. And the class is, though partially, but equipped with Apple computers.

    And then something unexpected happened for us. Medvedev sat down with one “student”, who was sitting behind an iMac with a connected MIDI keyboard.

    Medvedev: You can practice yourself? (To student) Are you playing, no?
    Student: Nuu ... I'm studying.
    Teacher:Well, here is the detailed instruction ...
    Medvedev to the student: Well, play something ...
    Teacher: Click on the record ... (Medvedev) Here are the fragments ...
    Medvedev: Yes, I know this program ... GarageBand ... Makovsky program ... I can’t play, I know the program ...

    Wow .

    How everything happened can be seen below:

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