Visiting Yandex

    Today Yandex received guests, and I am glad that I could be among them. Today was Yandex.Subbotnik !

    Subbotnik was devoted mainly to layout. The program was interesting, the reports were very informative. I will probably not write what exactly was told, all this will be on the Yandex blog (they promised). I only note that each report ended with thunderous applause and a large number of additional questions on the topic.

    A couple of photos:

    For the quality of the photos I’ll say right away - from a mobile phone. Stupidly forgot at home fotik.

    There were breaks between the reports in which we could have tea / coffee and eat pies / pizza, and we were immediately told that they would not let anyone out of Yandex until we had eaten all the food. Also during the breaks it was interesting to just chat with the speakers and colleagues.

    Another nice little cartoon from Yandex was a ballpoint pen:

    Moreover, this pen not only writes, but also shines:

    And so it looked like “identifiers”: The

    organizers of the event assured that 4 such subbotniks a year are planned, I hope that I can attend everyone :)

    Thank you Yandex!

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