In St. Petersburg, Tashkent, Barnaul and Batumi, the semi-finals of the XXXIII student world programming championship were held.

    The official results of the championship became known.

    4 teams passed 9 tasks each:

    Saratov SU 1 (Bondarenko, Matov, Pak)
    Moscow SU 3 (Angelyuk, Astakhov, Maksimenko)
    Moscow SU 4 (Gusakov, Kornakov, Razenshteyn)
    Saratov SU 2 (Ivanov, Klenov, Rakhov)

    12 teams passed 8 tasks

    each : SPb SU 1 (Davydov, Kopeliovich, Petrov)
    SPb IFMO 1 (Buzdalov, Isenbaev, Kapun)
    Tbilisi SU 1 (Bogdanov, Jimsheleishvili, Lekveishvili)
    Ural SU 1 (Ayzenshteyn, Chevdar, Samsonov)
    Belarusian SU 1 (Pronin, Rudol, Tsikhan)
    Novosibirsk SU 1 (Atuchin, Butyugin, Sorokin)
    Moscow SU 2 (Khalyavin, Miniailau, Shavlyugin)
    Altai STU 1 (Akinshin, Izbyshev, Kolosovskiy)
    Southern Ural SU (Bich, Mayorov, Vasilenko)
    NTU of Ukraine KPI (Kasitskyi, Korduban, Sliusarenko)
    SPb SU 2 (Bankevich, Gladkikh, Smirnov)
    Belarusian SU 2 (Aliaksei, Mikhail, Tolstsikau) The

    teams that passed 8 and more tasks, and who won first places among the teams of their university.

    Interesting facts:

    The Saratov team won the Russian Championship for the first time. Prior to this, only three universities won it: Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and St. Petersburg University.
    Natalia Bondarenko became the first girl - the champion of Russia.
    Two members of the MSU 3 team are originally from Saratov, so the Saratov team showed outstanding results.

    I took the information here:
    Final Standings so far
    UPD: tasks khayrov posted here:

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