Helicopters and Meteors on Yandex Schedules

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One of the directions of the development of the young Yandex . Schedule service is to attract carriers interested in posting their data on the Internet. And such are, despite the fact that the situation with public transport in Russia, alas, is far from ideal.

Some examples of interesting routes in Russia can be found now. For example, the Kostroma Airline operates flights from Kostroma to Yuryevets on a MI-8 helicopter, and the East Siberian River Shipping Company provides everyone with the opportunity to travel from Irkutsk to Bratsk on the legendary Meteor hydrofoil.

All these relatively unusual means of transport can now be included in the planned route of the trip. True, not for long - autumn has already come, and navigation will soon end in the Irkutsk region, and Kostroma summer residents will less often leave their warm apartments. But helicopters and Meteors will return to us in the spring - and they will already be waiting for trains, planes, trains and buses. At least some.

Dmitry Kryukov

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