South Park may be banned in Russia

Moscow’s Basmannaya Prosecutor’s Office found extremist the content of the cartoon series " South Park " " Christmas Songs from Mr. Govnyashki ." The 2x2 TV channel was warned about the inadmissibility of the distribution of extremist materials.
In March 2008, representatives of the United Union of Christians of the Evangelical Faith - Pentecostals demanded that the cartoon "South Park" be extremist, that it was banned from showing in Russia, and that a criminal case was launched against 2x2. At the same time, the TV channel had to remove from the air the series "Little Forest Friends" and "The Adventures of Big Jeff" - writes lenta.ru .
I agree, the cartoon is not for preschool children. But I suggest everyone to carefully readexpert opinion . This is real adult humor.
The cartoon character Cartman directly evaluates the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah as "sucks", that is, as something negative, disgusting, nasty, in the same way he also evaluates the attribute of celebrating this religious holiday - dreidel.
In response to Kyle’s mother’s remark that the game of Dreidle (Dreidle) is a centuries-old tradition of the Jewish people, Cartman ernically says that this (that is, what Kyle’s mother said and the said tradition and the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah) is “so voracious ”, Thereby using obscene vocabulary to express and broadcast his extremely derogatory, severely offensive to Jewish believers opinions about this religious holiday.
PS Here is a link to the cartoon (available only to registered Rutube users).
PPS And one more link , without the need to register.