Podcast “Institute for Dissimilar Gizmos”

    As part of the experiment, we’ll try to create on Habré a relay of the podcast feed of the SchoolZhizni.ru magazine .

    Below is the first issue, the reaction to which will determine the feasibility of continuing this experiment.

    Ilona Grosheva reads an article by Sergey DenisevichHow to make Cappuccino?

    Podcast IllustrationIf you think that cappuccino is the drink that is made by pouring boiling water over the contents of a beautiful bag and served in a plastic cup in a market stall, you are very mistaken. This drink differs from a real cappuccino in the same way as a fresh green leaf from a green bill.

    Cappuccino (Italian) - coffee with milk. But not just with milk, but with milk whipped in hot thick foam. This is what makes cappuccino more valuable, for example, with a hangover, than just coffee ...
    listened to 32 times

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