Life and pinball. What common?

    imageI used to have a lot of time to read popular science books: on development, self-development, financial management, marketing, computer science. Now the situation has changed and the accumulated knowledge is already being applied in practice, and when a free minute appears, the priority has shifted to the “just downward” direction. It is strange to start a post in the section Popular Science with such a replica, is not it? But the reason is simple: busy work week and all sorts of domestic issues, leave free time mainly for the rest of the brain. However, there was a place for philosophical posts on the “down-sites”. One person asked: “Why do you live? Describe in one phrase . Under the post formed a hundred comments with friendly and not very discussions. You must have heard what a mental trigger is.. So these kinds of questions are triggers to describe all your experience and come to some clarity.

    By the way, no one else in the entire history of mankind has found a single answer to the question - “what is the meaning of life?” .

    If you answer universally, what is supposedly the meaning for everyone is your own - it means nothing to answer. But nevertheless, trying to clarify this issue for yourself, you can build a certain system that will allow you to understand and formalize this meaning. And then draw an analogy with something tangible and tangible, in contrast to what is beyond the limits of habitual perception.

    Games are good for modeling reality. Or in other words gamification. All sorts of simulators, games Cashflow, Monopoly and others - a great model of real life. Actually, the real-life model based on the game Pinball ( YALM ) is described below .


    image During life, a huge amount of information layers are piling up on us, from which beliefs are formed, from which habits are formed, from which the actions are formed, of which our life consists.

    Or so
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    For mortar and after dstviya these actions. Drawing an analogy with a ball in a pinball, which flies from wall to wall by collecting points from each blow. And the goal of the game at the same time - to score the maximum number of points and at the same time not fall into the abyss.

    At the very bottom, the ball is thrown upward with just two legs (flippers). There is also a gap between them, and if one does not react in time or both do not react properly, the game ends.

    In childhood they are parents. If one lever breaks or falls off completely, then the probability of flying into the abyss increases. The distance in the abyss increases. One flipper simply does not have time to work in time.

    But what if another ball or two flies with you, but a regulator that pushes one up? And what if he, the regulator, cannot push, but then he broke and that's it. Then the rebound from it will be very weak.


    imageWhen we grow up, another person becomes the closest flipper. This is usually the spouse (s). If one falls down, the second raises it and pushes it up. Is pushing. "Paws" of parents at the same time pushed into the background. The game already acquires a slightly different format. This is a pinball with a double layer of insurance. Given that at a lower level, the levers have already slipped a little and the springs are not the same. And apparently the best thing they can do is to push the ball a little higher to the level of the feet-family.

    When children appear in our own family, we ourselves become flippers. And on the synchronism of our actions, our consistency depends on where the children fly, and how many points they will beat out, bouncing off bonus obstacles, or flying into the wall and flying back to the safety net. In the first years of life, they literally do not stick out from our “feet”. The older the children, the farther they fly away (KO?). And it may happen that the game on your part will generally lose its meaning. But this is unlikely, one way or another, children will have their own children, and your flipper will be insurance for those who are higher. By this time, he should be weighty in size in order to push and insure both his children and grandchildren.


    imageAnd the most important thing. Family and parents - these are all those shock absorbers that, in working condition, by default, should throw us up, not letting us fall into the abyss. But our ball is not always in their reach. (Or maybe you fly by yourself all my life). It often happens that the ball is left alone in a huge bumper space . Bouncing now from one, then from another.

    And probably then, the “ball” wonders. What is there inside the gaming table? Who is the one who starts a new level, when the ball falls into a hole and the " legs" did not have time to insure? Who can tilt the game table , and maybe turn it over at all? Who can turn off the game? Who can fix“Paws”? Who in the end came up with the pinball?

    The “ball” is not given to know about the existence of this Who, in that dimension in which he is. He has his own flight path, his own obstacles, he has no time for that. While he beats against obstacles, he can become a magnet and pick up other balls. Or maybe demagnetize and fly down, dragging the others along.

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