Will mobile WiMax start in Russia?

    The Russian company promises to begin production of a full range of equipment for mobile WiMax by the end of 2008.

    The Russian WiMax Alliance (RWM Alliance) has established the Israeli WiMax technology developer Runcom, the Constellation concern and the Alliance group. The CEO of RWM Alliance Sergey Aleshin says that the company will produce the whole range of equipment in Russia - from base stations to subscriber units. It is assumed that the RWM Alliance will use Runcom chipsets, and the assembly and production of printed circuit boards will be carried out in China.

    There is no mobile WiMax network in Russia yet, there is no existing subscriber equipment, but many are planning for the near future. Intel has promised to release WiMax-modules for laptops in May 2008. The intention to build a WiMax network in Moscow and the creation of an alliance with Intel to promote laptops with WiMax was announced in 2007 by Comstar - United Telesystems, the network is scheduled to launch at the end of 2008.

    Such short deadlines cause some distrust, since some WiMax technological problems have not yet been completely resolved, but it is obvious that the arrival of mobile WiMax is not far off.

    As fatcat writes: "... I attended this press conference. The usual start-up from the Israelis ... At the press conference, none of the participants was able to answer simple questions - with whom they specifically agreed, what is the forecast, what is planned to be done in addition to stamping in" Constellations' products for other markets. "


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