Internet Development in Russia: Regions Still in the Stone Age

    Yandex has released a new newsletter, Internet Development in Russian Regions ( PDF ). The study was based on data from various Yandex services - blog searches, Market, news search, the Yandex.City project, as well as information from the Public Opinion Foundation (FOM), TNS, RU-Center and the project Black square". Yandex specialists calculated the values ​​of several key indicators characterizing the spread of the Internet and the activity of users on the Internet for each federal district and for Russia as a whole.

    Through the entire study, the most obvious fact runs through the red thread: the Russian regions are still very far from two capitals (Moscow and St. Petersburg) in everything related to the Internet. Some facts are simply shocking. For example, provincial internet providers16 times less likely to use the services of online stores than Muscovites. The level of development of the blogosphere in Moscow is eleven times higher than the regional level. The number of domains per thousand users in Moscow is seven times higher than the average for federal districts. Comparison of capitals and regions is given in the table.

    With the penetration of the Internet, Moscow overtakes the regions by more than two and a half times. In terms of media activity - one and a half.

    In St. Petersburg, Internet penetration is one and a half times higher than the regional average. Online media activity is only slightly above average. But the level of development of the blogosphere and the number of domains per thousand users in St. Petersburg is higher than in the regions, ten and five times, respectively. Online shopping activity is also six times higher than the regional average.

    Other findings of the study are given below.

    • In the Far East, there is the least amount of online media, but the Far Eastern media are the most active.

    • According to two important indicators of Internet user activity (development of the blogosphere and online shopping activity), the Urals are the leaders among federal districts. On average, the Urals Federal District is twice as much as the average Russian Internet activity. Obviously, Yekaterinburg, the third city in Russia in terms of Internet penetration and the fourth in terms of population, strongly influences the Urals.

    • The number of sites on Runet in 2007 increased by 66%. The number of domains registered in the regions is growing slightly more slowly (57% over the past year).

    • Most domains per thousand users (after Moscow and St. Petersburg) are registered in the Central Federal District (21) - due to the Moscow Region. Without MO in the Center, there are only 7 domains per thousand users. In general, the regions account for only 20% of Russian domains.

    • The largest Internet penetration (among seven federal districts) is in the North-West (31%) and Far Eastern (28%) regions.

    • Most Internet users (not including Moscow and St. Petersburg) are in the Center (17% of all Russian users). Least of all - in the Urals and the Far East (6% and 5%, respectively).

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