Yandex launched the service "Health"
How often have you postponed a visit to the doctor because you need to look for the clinic phone, call the registry and “sign up”? We know this feeling, so in the Atlas clinic the most attentive clinical assistants in the world. But even with them you have to speak in a voice.
Yandex approached the solution of the problem from the other side - it launched the Health service . This is an aggregator of medical centers in Moscow, which allows you to make an appointment directly in the application. No more calls and long waiting for a response in the handset.

An important feature of Yandex.Health: right in the appendix you can answer questions about your state of health, and the algorithm will determine which specialist is better to contact with such symptoms. Then on the map you choose a convenient medical center with doctors of the required specialty. After recording, the selected doctor will receive your survey data and be able to prepare for the consultation. All data on visits to doctors are stored in the application.
Atlas Medical Center joined Yandex.Health at the pilot project stage, when only a few clinics collaborated with the service. We actively discussed the project and helped our colleagues from Yandex understand medical issues. At the same time, our center was tested: during the month, Yandex employees visited the clinic, consulted our doctors and evaluated their work. The pilot version showed itself well, and today Yandex.Health has been launched for everyone.
Now about 130 clinics of Moscow cooperate with the aggregator, with time the service will be expanded to other cities. Atlas Medical Center continues to cooperate with the project. You will find our clinic on the map and you can sign up for a consultation through the application. The first version of Yandex. Health is available for iOSor Android .
Yandex approached the solution of the problem from the other side - it launched the Health service . This is an aggregator of medical centers in Moscow, which allows you to make an appointment directly in the application. No more calls and long waiting for a response in the handset.

An important feature of Yandex.Health: right in the appendix you can answer questions about your state of health, and the algorithm will determine which specialist is better to contact with such symptoms. Then on the map you choose a convenient medical center with doctors of the required specialty. After recording, the selected doctor will receive your survey data and be able to prepare for the consultation. All data on visits to doctors are stored in the application.
Grigory Bakunov, Head of Yandex.Health Service:
The current version of Yandex.Health is just the first step. We are considering the possibility of connecting diagnostic centers to the service, as well as thinking about cooperation with institutions that are receiving the OMS policy. With the help of technology, it is possible to simplify the life not only of patients, but also of doctors, saving them from routine paperwork.
Atlas Medical Center joined Yandex.Health at the pilot project stage, when only a few clinics collaborated with the service. We actively discussed the project and helped our colleagues from Yandex understand medical issues. At the same time, our center was tested: during the month, Yandex employees visited the clinic, consulted our doctors and evaluated their work. The pilot version showed itself well, and today Yandex.Health has been launched for everyone.
Now about 130 clinics of Moscow cooperate with the aggregator, with time the service will be expanded to other cities. Atlas Medical Center continues to cooperate with the project. You will find our clinic on the map and you can sign up for a consultation through the application. The first version of Yandex. Health is available for iOSor Android .