Yandex has calculated the most active users of electronic money
Yandex has published a large study of the electronic payment market on the Russian Internet ( PDF ). The work is based on the Yandex.Money payment system, but some indicators (for example, the ratio of payments for goods and services, structure of payments, behavioral profile of the most active users, etc.) can be considered common to all payment systems. The report considers statistics from the summer of 2006 to the summer of 2007.
Some interesting facts. The most expensive products for which electronic money pays are equipment and flowers, especially in September (the average price of a bouquet in September 2006 reached 7,000 rubles). But in general, almost no one pays for goods, and through the Internet they usually pay only for cellular communications, hosting and other services. The most active category of payers is tenants.
Over the five years of the existence of Yandex.Money, users have completed more than 15 million transactions through this system. User activity is growing - the number of transactions in July 2007 is more than 2 times higher than in July 2006. On average, in one day of July 2007, 2,000 new wallets were opened in the Yandex.Money system and more than 20 thousand transactions took place.

Electronic money in Russia pays much more for services than goods. Obviously, this is because the services are intangible, like electronic money. If it’s natural for most users to pay with electronic currency for cellular communications, access to information or an online game, then they still prefer to pay for goods purchased in online stores in cash for delivery. During the analyzed year, the ratio of the number of payments for goods and services did not change. Payments for goods accounted for 4% of the total number of payments in both June 2006 and June 2007.
The ratio of payments for goods and services has changed slightly. If a year ago 5% of the total volume of payments was paid for goods, now it is 6%. We can conclude that the interest of users in goods remains at the same level, but now they are ready to pay with electronic money for more expensive things.
Payment structure
Russian users of electronic payment systems most often pay for cellular communications. Every second payment in the Yandex.Money system is for a mobile phone.
About 70% of all electronic payments (by the number of payments) fall on five types of services. In addition to cellular communications, these are advertising, Internet access, online games and hosting. Another 20% is P2P payments (transactions between users' wallets).
The remaining 10% are divided between books and music (both on tangible media and in the form of files), television, information services (this also includes Internet dating, statistics, translations) and software. Payments for purchases and gifts (that is, all goods offered by online stores, except books and music), insurance, courses and trainings, utilities and charity contributions together make up only 1% of the total number of payments.

If you look not by the number of payments, but by their volume, then one third of the total turnover of the Yandex.Money system is accounted for by P2P payments. Another 57% of the turnover is distributed between the same five most popular types of services.

Over the past year, half of all active users of the Yandex.Money system paid for goods and services of only one type (for example, only for games or only for advertising) and less than one percent used goods and services of ten or more different types.

The average user Yandex.Money over the past year paid two different sellers (not necessarily from different market segments). The record was set by one user whose last name is kept secret. For a year he paid for goods and services from 31 suppliers.
Typical profiles
1. Cellular consumers.
Payers for a mobile phone are the largest group of users of payment systems. 24% of users paying for a mobile phone also pay for the services of Internet providers. Another 12% pays for hosting.
2. Advertisers and clients of web studios.
46% of buyers of online advertising and web studio services pay for cellular communications, 27% for hosting, 24% for Internet and telephony.
3. Internet users.
51% of payers for Internet and IP-telephony pay for mobile cellular communications, 14% for hosting, 11% for advertising.
Hosting is paid mainly by users of Garant-Park-Telecom, Corbina Telecom and Zenon N.S.P.
4. Players.
People playing games are the most “closed” user group. In addition to games, they are practically not interested in anything. 36% of players pay for cellular communications, but in all other groups this indicator is even higher, since mobile communications are the most popular destination.
The most popular (both by the number and volume of payments) are “Territory”, “Legend: Legacy of the Dragons”, “RF-online” and “Dozors”.
5. Hosting users.
57% of users paying for hosting using electronic money also pay for cellular communications. 32% pays for Internet access (preferring Stream from Comstar-Direct), and 28% for advertising. It can be assumed that owners of home Internet projects pay for Internet access, and entrepreneurs pay for advertising.
6. Software buyers.
55% of program buyers pay with electronic money for cellular communications, 30% for the Internet, 20% for books and music.
90% of all purchases are made in the Softkey store - even 17% of buyers of the ANK.ru store (second in popularity) and 32% of SoftLine Online Trade (third in popularity) make purchases there.
7. Tenants.
Users who pay with electronic money for housing services are most active. Almost no one pays only for utilities - 95% of users in this group pay for cellular communications. In addition, 62% pay for Internet and telephony, 24% for hosting and books, 18% order advertising, 7% pay for television and 3% make purchases on the Internet.
The average user Yandex.Money replenishes his Internet wallet once every two months. Twice a quarter, he makes payments for goods and services, and P2P operations - only once every eight months.
Owners of electronic wallets most often make their first payment after registration in the system for cellular communication. 38% of payers for mobile communications are registered in the Yandex.Money system specifically to pay for the services of mobile operators with electronic money.
At the same time, more than half of the people who now pay with electronic money for the services of Internet providers and online games made their first payments for them, that is, they got wallets for this (56% for each of these directions).
In the first half of 2007, each user replenished his wallet on average three times. The average amount of one enrollment is 1300 rubles. Usually every day there are about seven thousand replenishment.
Some interesting facts. The most expensive products for which electronic money pays are equipment and flowers, especially in September (the average price of a bouquet in September 2006 reached 7,000 rubles). But in general, almost no one pays for goods, and through the Internet they usually pay only for cellular communications, hosting and other services. The most active category of payers is tenants.
Over the five years of the existence of Yandex.Money, users have completed more than 15 million transactions through this system. User activity is growing - the number of transactions in July 2007 is more than 2 times higher than in July 2006. On average, in one day of July 2007, 2,000 new wallets were opened in the Yandex.Money system and more than 20 thousand transactions took place.

Electronic money in Russia pays much more for services than goods. Obviously, this is because the services are intangible, like electronic money. If it’s natural for most users to pay with electronic currency for cellular communications, access to information or an online game, then they still prefer to pay for goods purchased in online stores in cash for delivery. During the analyzed year, the ratio of the number of payments for goods and services did not change. Payments for goods accounted for 4% of the total number of payments in both June 2006 and June 2007.
The ratio of payments for goods and services has changed slightly. If a year ago 5% of the total volume of payments was paid for goods, now it is 6%. We can conclude that the interest of users in goods remains at the same level, but now they are ready to pay with electronic money for more expensive things.
Payment structure
Russian users of electronic payment systems most often pay for cellular communications. Every second payment in the Yandex.Money system is for a mobile phone.
About 70% of all electronic payments (by the number of payments) fall on five types of services. In addition to cellular communications, these are advertising, Internet access, online games and hosting. Another 20% is P2P payments (transactions between users' wallets).
The remaining 10% are divided between books and music (both on tangible media and in the form of files), television, information services (this also includes Internet dating, statistics, translations) and software. Payments for purchases and gifts (that is, all goods offered by online stores, except books and music), insurance, courses and trainings, utilities and charity contributions together make up only 1% of the total number of payments.

If you look not by the number of payments, but by their volume, then one third of the total turnover of the Yandex.Money system is accounted for by P2P payments. Another 57% of the turnover is distributed between the same five most popular types of services.

Over the past year, half of all active users of the Yandex.Money system paid for goods and services of only one type (for example, only for games or only for advertising) and less than one percent used goods and services of ten or more different types.

The average user Yandex.Money over the past year paid two different sellers (not necessarily from different market segments). The record was set by one user whose last name is kept secret. For a year he paid for goods and services from 31 suppliers.
Typical profiles
1. Cellular consumers.
Payers for a mobile phone are the largest group of users of payment systems. 24% of users paying for a mobile phone also pay for the services of Internet providers. Another 12% pays for hosting.
2. Advertisers and clients of web studios.
46% of buyers of online advertising and web studio services pay for cellular communications, 27% for hosting, 24% for Internet and telephony.
3. Internet users.
51% of payers for Internet and IP-telephony pay for mobile cellular communications, 14% for hosting, 11% for advertising.
Hosting is paid mainly by users of Garant-Park-Telecom, Corbina Telecom and Zenon N.S.P.
4. Players.
People playing games are the most “closed” user group. In addition to games, they are practically not interested in anything. 36% of players pay for cellular communications, but in all other groups this indicator is even higher, since mobile communications are the most popular destination.
The most popular (both by the number and volume of payments) are “Territory”, “Legend: Legacy of the Dragons”, “RF-online” and “Dozors”.
5. Hosting users.
57% of users paying for hosting using electronic money also pay for cellular communications. 32% pays for Internet access (preferring Stream from Comstar-Direct), and 28% for advertising. It can be assumed that owners of home Internet projects pay for Internet access, and entrepreneurs pay for advertising.
6. Software buyers.
55% of program buyers pay with electronic money for cellular communications, 30% for the Internet, 20% for books and music.
90% of all purchases are made in the Softkey store - even 17% of buyers of the ANK.ru store (second in popularity) and 32% of SoftLine Online Trade (third in popularity) make purchases there.
7. Tenants.
Users who pay with electronic money for housing services are most active. Almost no one pays only for utilities - 95% of users in this group pay for cellular communications. In addition, 62% pay for Internet and telephony, 24% for hosting and books, 18% order advertising, 7% pay for television and 3% make purchases on the Internet.
The average user Yandex.Money replenishes his Internet wallet once every two months. Twice a quarter, he makes payments for goods and services, and P2P operations - only once every eight months.
Owners of electronic wallets most often make their first payment after registration in the system for cellular communication. 38% of payers for mobile communications are registered in the Yandex.Money system specifically to pay for the services of mobile operators with electronic money.
At the same time, more than half of the people who now pay with electronic money for the services of Internet providers and online games made their first payments for them, that is, they got wallets for this (56% for each of these directions).
In the first half of 2007, each user replenished his wallet on average three times. The average amount of one enrollment is 1300 rubles. Usually every day there are about seven thousand replenishment.