The Russian government will allocate a billion dollars for its virtualization

    According to Kommersant, on August 16, the Russian government approved a program to create an electronic government, which will spend $ 1.3 billion by 2010.

    With this money, it will be possible to arrange various documents, including passports and driver’s licenses via the Internet, registration of real estate and entrepreneurial activity will also be converted into electronic form. Social payments will be made over the Internet.

    Unfortunately, the program will allow Russians to certify applications with electronic signatures only after 2009, before that, citizens will still have to come to the department to complete the process of paperwork.

    In 2008, a special single federal portal will be created on which information can be found about all the services provided by the government.

    The program will be financed from two sources: 770 million dollars will be provided by the budgets of the regions and departments, and the rest will be taken from the budget of the Federal Target Program “Electronic Russia”.

    According to the head of the Ministry of Communications Leonid Reiman, the project will save the government up to 10 billion rubles annually.


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