Caution, the cat in the bag! Or in Russia, a Skype Pro subscription is open.
Skype Pro service has become available for order in Russia. Users learned about this from an invitation by e-mail and active advertising on the Skype program website, which clearly shows the advantages of this service: zero tariff for calls to regular landlines within your country, SkypeIn number with a discount of 30 euros, free voice mail Skype Voicemail. And all this for only 2 euros per month.
Let me remind you that at the beginning of 2007, Skype announced a unique unlimited Skype Pro tariff , which allows you to make an unlimited number of calls within your country for only 2 euros per month without a per-minute tariffication. February 20, Skype Pro Subscription Opened, but it became available only in some European countries, among which Russia was not included. The Russians still have to wait for the opportunity to subscribe to the coveted tariff.
A few days ago, the opportunity to sign up for Skype Pro appeared in the personal accounts of Russian users, and many of our fellow citizens immediately took advantage of this, bearing in mind the previously announced tariff. It turned out to be not difficult to do this - when you sign up for Skype Pro, the funds are simply deducted from your personal account.

But their joy was not long, since in fact it turned out that the range of Skype Pro services in different countries is noticeably different. So for Russia this set made up the following services:
- Skype Voicemail;
- Skype To Go (a new service not available in Russia);
- Discount on SkypeIn in the amount of 30 euros (not available when ordering Skype Pro for one month)
- discounts on equipment in the American Internet store that does not work with residents of the Russian Federation;
- A couple of extensions for the Skype program;
- Several animated avatars and ringtones.
That is, in fact, the only useful product in this set for us will be Skype Voicemail, which can be purchased for the same 2 euros per month. The cost of calls within the country has not changed .
Now many users who have paid for Skype Pro are trying to figure out the situation by writing letters of support, but no clear answer has yet been received. Until this moment, it’s worth the time to subscribe to the Skype Pro tariff plan .
Source: Skype in Russia
Let me remind you that at the beginning of 2007, Skype announced a unique unlimited Skype Pro tariff , which allows you to make an unlimited number of calls within your country for only 2 euros per month without a per-minute tariffication. February 20, Skype Pro Subscription Opened, but it became available only in some European countries, among which Russia was not included. The Russians still have to wait for the opportunity to subscribe to the coveted tariff.
A few days ago, the opportunity to sign up for Skype Pro appeared in the personal accounts of Russian users, and many of our fellow citizens immediately took advantage of this, bearing in mind the previously announced tariff. It turned out to be not difficult to do this - when you sign up for Skype Pro, the funds are simply deducted from your personal account.

But their joy was not long, since in fact it turned out that the range of Skype Pro services in different countries is noticeably different. So for Russia this set made up the following services:
- Skype Voicemail;
- Skype To Go (a new service not available in Russia);
- Discount on SkypeIn in the amount of 30 euros (not available when ordering Skype Pro for one month)
- discounts on equipment in the American Internet store that does not work with residents of the Russian Federation;
- A couple of extensions for the Skype program;
- Several animated avatars and ringtones.
That is, in fact, the only useful product in this set for us will be Skype Voicemail, which can be purchased for the same 2 euros per month. The cost of calls within the country has not changed .
Now many users who have paid for Skype Pro are trying to figure out the situation by writing letters of support, but no clear answer has yet been received. Until this moment, it’s worth the time to subscribe to the Skype Pro tariff plan .
Source: Skype in Russia