Petersburg student won TopCoder High School

    It looks like this year in sports programming for Russia is the year of the St. Petersburg school. In February, Misha Dvorkin wins the TTB Winter Cup . In March, the ITMO team in St. Petersburg (which included the same Misha Dvorkin) showed the best Russian result - gold and 3rd place - at the ACM ICPC finals in Tokyo. The next major international competition in sports programming - TopCoder High School among high school students - is again won by a Petersburger. This is a student of the Physics and Mathematics Lyceum No. 30 Yuri Petrov aka Burunduk2 .

    About a year ago, the “chipmunks invasion” took place on the vehicle. Petrov associates ( Burunduk1 , Burunduk2 and Burunduk3 ) began to tear everyone together on school SRMs under almost identical nicknames. This was beautiful. The victory of one of them in this year's TCHS was a logical continuation of the story. Note that the "yellow" chipmunk won, and not the "red" *, but this is a sport. It always has a place of surprise.

    The next major event in the joint venture is the final of the TopCoder Open in Las Vegas at the end of June, in fact an unofficial individual world championship. And here, too, the St. Petersburg school of the joint venture most promises in the person of playing coach Andrei Stankevich aka andrewzta. Stankevich is currently the 4th in the ranking of the TS and, along with Peter, one of the two Russians “with an eye” **.

    But what about Peter Mitrichev aka Petr from Moscow State University, you ask, player number 1 in the TS rating, winner of the three largest TS contests of the last year? The absence of Mitrichev in the final was the main shock for the local joint venture community this year. Petya flew out on one of the qualifying rounds along with other prominent representatives of the Moscow school of the joint venture. But! Petya won the blogging contest for TS and still goes to Las Vegas to cover the final. For fans of Mitrichev in this capacity at the moment, perhaps, is even more interesting. After all, this is an exceptional opportunity - to observe the progress of the final through the eyes of the player at number 1 in the world.

    Closer to the TCO finals, I will try to find a minute to describe the pre-final game situation in more detail. I hope this will be interesting to you :)

    * (“red” topcoders have a higher rating than “yellow”)

    ** Also a “target”, a TS player whose rating is above 3000 points. In total, at the moment, out of more than 5,000 active players in the TS, only 7 are owners of the “eye”. "Eye" is a special icon that marks nicknames of targets in the arena of the vehicle, the name received, as you can understand, due to the external similarity with this organ of vision.

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