Earnings on an ordinary Russian-language blog. Pros and cons of different ways. Additions are welcome.

    Today on “Webplanet” came out my article about earnings on an ordinary Russian-language blog. It is written on my personal experience and the experience of people with whom I am somehow acquainted.

    However, many topics were not covered. I invite those who contain a Russian-language blog with their own content to share the experience of its monetization. Figures and details are welcome.

    If you are seriously interested in the topic of making money on a Russian-language blog, you have already read a lot of articles on this topic. There are different ways to make money: contextual advertising, collection of donations, custom posts. Some of these methods I will describe here.

    My article is written for those who maintain a Russian-language blog for themselves.and their readers, not specifically for making money. For example, blogging for me is a kind of training, one of the ways of self-realization, as well as new business contacts. Nevertheless, I am not against an additional pair of hundreds of WMZ in my wallet.

    I learned various ways, and tried some of them on  my blog . It is quite narrow in scope, and attendance ranges from 100-500 people per day.

    Each method of earning is characterized by factors that determine the amount of income. One of the most influential factors is blog traffic . Some methods are very dependent on traffic, others are practically independent.

    contextual advertising

    More strongly than others, the methods associated with the placement of contextual advertising depend on attendance. In Russia, AdSense, Begun and the Yandex advertising network are available.


    In due time on Runet the adsensomania fever flashed. Perhaps only the lazy did not write about AdSense. People enthusiastically showed each other photographs of Google checks for four- and five-digit amounts and hoped ... True, the checks belonged to English-speaking bloggers.

    Euphoria gave way to some disappointment: on Runet, tangible money from contextual advertising is received by those who are seriously engaged in this, or have a really popular blog. Others get no more than 5-7 bucks a month.

    Of course, it’s real for Russians to make money on AdSense, but for this you need to make several spammer blogs abroad, steal content, provide them with traffic and then you can already talk about some amounts.

    The second option: your blog is very popular, and users are loyal to advertising and are ready to click to make you happy. Then you can get $ 150 a month, as the author of one of the most popular standalone blogs.

    The rest honestly earn their two bucks a month and expect that someday they will accumulate fifty dollars so that you can get a check from Google and know all the "joys" of its cashing in Russian banks.

    Earning on AdSense is highly dependent on the  clickability of ads. Various techniques are used to increase clickability, for example, ad units are disguised as information on the site itself.

    In my opinion, this way of earning money is a distant relative of banners with naked aunts. The user clicked on telesales, got to the site selling tires, but immediately left, swearing.
    Here, people click on the link, thinking that they will find an interesting article on the same site, and fall into a completely different place. The click is counted, but I’m not going to say how good the advertiser is from such advertising.

    Runner and Yandex Advertising Network

    Domestic companies are also gradually pulling up. At the end of 2006, the Runner lifted the attendance limit. Earlier blogs with traffic of at least 500 per day were allowed to participate. However, they have their own problem. My friends who tried to connect their blog to the Runner waited a long time for indexation.

    The condition for admission to the  Yandex advertising network is attendance: at least 300 per day. The rules state that “non-moderated and / or non-topic forums, blogs, message boards, chats, etc .;”

    Earnings in Begun and Yandex’s advertising network also depend heavily on traffic and clicks, but there are fewer problems with getting money than in AdSense.

    Pros: You can really make good money.
    Minuses:earnings are very much dependent on traffic and clicks on ads. Ad units often interfere with readers, causing a certain negative. For AdSense, the actual problem with receiving and cashing money.

    Internet begging

    The bottom line is this: you beg.

    There are two options. In the simplest case, you simply publish Webmoney and Yandex.Money wallet numbers, but there are more technological methods. For example, SMS-piggy bank or PayPal. There is a  suppression from Yandex.

    As in the case of AdSense, this method is accompanied by their legends about bloggers who received thousands of bucks a month. Bloggers, however, are again imported.

    These methods are highly dependent on traffic and on the mood of visitors. Beggars also strive to take places where there is more human traffic. More pass - more serve. There is still such a moment: it is unlikely that the same person will systematically throw you a pretty penny. Therefore it is necessary somewheretake fresh souls. If your audience is constant, then after a certain period of time, when everyone who could submit has already filed, the brook will dry up.

    But the sediment remains. Having a submission can make a big difference to a blogger.

    Pros: they ’ll give you a dime! Dime!
    Cons: highly dependent on traffic and the number of new visitors. Negatively affects reputation.

    Advertising in  RSS-feeds

    This is a relatively new way, it is fashionable to write about it. Advertising is embedded in your RSS feed, then your subscribers click on it. Oh, don't click!

    A recent test campaign at Feedburner.Ru did not meet the expectations of bloggers . They click a little, the result, according to those who tried , is not impressive.

    Pros: they probably are. Will appear in a year and a half.
    Cons: depends on the number of subscribers and clicks on advertising. They click on RSS ads in Russia, as it turned out not often.


    For thematic blogs with good attendance, you can really find a sponsor. For example, if your blog is about smoking cessation, you might want to go out to the nicotine patch manufacturer. In any case, you can come up with something.

    Usually sponsors give their money in exchange for the permanent placement of a banner or logo.

    Pros: If you find a long-term sponsor for your blog, you won’t worry about fluctuations in traffic. In addition, a small banner or logo "on the topic" practically does not cause negative audience.
    Cons: it’s not so easy to find a sponsor. Still, they are interested in attendance, and it’s easier, as someone said, “to buy up half of the Runet than to mess with individual ingenious bloggers.”

    Link sales and link brokers

    For optimizers (they are also "SEOs") the attendance of your blog is not as important as its parameters: TIC and PageRank. The higher these parameters, the more valuable the link from the site. Links from the main pages are in demand, it is desirable that PageRank should be at least 4–5 and TIC hundreds of 3-4. Five and twenty dollars a month can be given for a link.

    You need to have a blog with good TIC and PageRank and find buyers. In addition, it is necessary to control payments and terms of placement.

    There is a second way, link brokers. Advantages: you can sell not only the main, but also all internalpages. Usually, buyers cannot be found on them, and such links are cheap. But if you have several dozen pages, then you can sell them to many buyers at once through a broker, you get a noticeable amount. Disadvantages: it is necessary to control what you place there. Another nuance: the site does not reach full capacity right away, after all, places are gradually being bought out. Much depends on the prices that you set on your links.

    Overseas, the TextLinkAds system is quite popular . I connected to it while I wait for the results. I was glad that for one link on my blog you can get 15-20 bucks a month. At the time of this writing, no one has bought links. Money is transferred either to a bank account or through PayPal. So far, PayPal is not very friendly to Russians, but there are exchange methodson E-Gold, and then on Webmoney.

    Of the Russians, I tried to connect to three systems, in the end, only one remained, Sape . The other two, SetLinks and AdMan, were not impressed with either the interface or moderation capabilities. Sape also has, for example, built-in adult filters that allow you to prevent links from network pornographers to the pages of your blog. There is still the opportunity to watch the average prices on the system and detailed instructions for bloggers . Other brokers have not yet bothered with this.

    Eugene Osokin posted a screenshot on SEO Place blogyour Sape account. In a month he runs 50-60 dollars, that is, about 600 bucks a year. I have an experiment with Sape in full swing, in the first 4 days I sold links for $ 30 per month with not too outstanding quantitative parameters of the blog. Some Sape glitches surprised me, but so far have not been critical. Another hoster failed, due to the transition to a new server, two-thirds of the most profitable links were removed from me, but I hope to gain new customers soon.

    Pros: does not depend on attendance. Most not-so-visited blogs selling links can earn more than AdSense, and the issue of withdrawing money is not so relevant.
    Minuses: if you put 20 links each, theoretically, search engines may not like it and visitors will definitely not like it.


    Abroad, the influence of bloggers on the market is noticeably stronger. Remember the sensational stories with Apple raids about iPhone screenshots or the story with Microsoft laptops.

    In Russia, the blogosphere is also eyeing. There are projects that offer bloggers to write custom articles. I don’t know how it is for money, but people don’t like jeans. Especially in the geek environment.

    There is, of course, a way to openly accept new products for testing and write quality reviews about them. This way, in my opinion, can even have a positive effect on reputation. The main thing is objectivity, impartiality and professionalism.

    Another way is to get excited about the “new washing powder” and other products. In a hypersensitized audience, even suspicion of a custom post causes rejection and negativity.

    Pros: they will appear in a year and a half or two, when all sorts of "hidden marketers" calm down, and really popular and professional authors will replace the tough "thousand-year-olds".
    Cons: causes negative audience. You can’t remove your reputation with powder in three minutes.

    My favorite way

    Of course, Adsense, TextLinkAds and Sape are good things. Keep a blog and get 30-50 bucks a month for hosting, internet and all sorts of nice little things.

    Business contacts and self-PR can bring much more , but this method requires certain skills, time and it is advisable to maintain a blog on professional topics.

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