24-core ARM server on Banana Pi running Ubuntu 18.04

    SynQuacer E-Series motherboard for a 24-core ARM server ARM-based server

    processors have long threatened Intel’s position in data centers, but for now this is only a theoretical threat. So far, it has not been realized too much, if we look at the real cases of large-scale deployments of ARM servers. There is simply no such. However, a new generation of low-cost ARM servers can make a difference.

    For example, SinoVoIP recently introduced a 24-core ARM server on the Banana Pi platform.

    SinoVoIP has been releasing Banana Pi single-board devices for several years; these are quite competitive boards at a reasonable price that compete with FriendlyELEC, Orange Pi and other popular single-payment devices. An active community has formed around the platform. Now it can grow even more, because the company first released a 24-core system that claims to be a server.

    The screenshots and videos show that Nextcloud and Docker are working successfully on the ARM server, TensorFlow and other server tasks are running.

    So far, the announcement is unofficial, photos and videos are published only on the forum, and there is no information on the price on the official website, etc.

    However, some conclusions can be drawn from blurred photos and frames. It can be seen that the motherboard has a 24-core ARM Cortex A53 processor with 32 GB of RAM (29.4 GB is shown in frames from the operating system), and the system is running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS.

    There are not so many 24-core ARM Cortex A53 processors, so if a company does not use some kind of secret processor, then it should be SocioNext SC2A11, suggests the HotHardware.com edition .

    Perhaps in the coming months, the manufacturer will provide more detailed technical information about this board.

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