Moscow police banned the use of instant messengers and social networks

    The banned list included Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and Vkontakte.

    Photo: lifenews

    Moscow police have banned the use of social networks, instant messengers and other services. Among others, banned by Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp and Skype, writes Lifenews. It is also forbidden for the police to work with Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Odnoklassniki and VKontakte. The corresponding document was at the disposal of the editors of the publication.

    This is a complete ban on the transfer of information related to work in these means of communication. Plus, there is a similar ban on working with mail services,,

    The order states the following: “To prohibit the recording of official information and other information through personal telephones and other devices that allow for photo, video, audio recording”. For personal use, the police, of course, can use whatever they want. But as long as it is not related to work. In this case, the ban enters into force.

    Law enforcement officers of the capital can now only work with the official e-mail of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Earlier, doctors of the Bryansk region were forbidden to work with social networks and foreign messengers .

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