At the exhibition in Moscow showed the aviation "engine of the future" PD-14 and rocket engine NK-33

On February 19, at the international engine building forum in Moscow, the Russian United Engine Corporation (UEC, part of Rostec) showed one of the prototypes of the PD-14 engine with 14 tons of civil aircraft MS-21-300 (replacing the outdated Tu-154 and Tu-134), together with a reversing device and engine nacelle components. The engine of the new generation is called "a huge achievement of the domestic engine-building."
At the end of the exhibition the engine will be sent to long-term cyclic tests to check the strength of the elements of the hot part.

According to the memorandum on the purchase of materials for mass production , the PD-14 family plans to develop and certify four modifications:
- PD-14 / 14A 12-14 tons for passenger short-medium-haul aircraft MS-21-300 / 200, used to carry from 150 to 212 passengers;
- PD-14M 14-16 tons for multi-purpose military transport aircraft MTA, for high-capacity aircraft MS-21-400, in the future for remotorizing the existing Il-76, Tu-204, Il-96-400 aircraft;
- PD-10 10.8 tons for the regional aircraft SSJ NG, which serves to carry up to 130 passengers.
When creating the PD-14 family, the maximum level of unification between family models and the maximum use of Russian materials are laid. The share of Russian suppliers and manufacturers in the price of the engine is 95% (more than 30 Russian enterprises).
In addition to the PD-14, the exhibition showed a full-scale model of the engine SaM146, which is equipped with a regional airliner SSJ100. At the beginning of this year, the 200th serial engine of this type was assembled. Since the beginning of operation, the SaM146 engines have accumulated more than 350 thousand hours.
The rocket direction at the exhibition is represented by the NK-33 engine , used since 2013 in the first stage of the newest Russian Soyuz-2-1v light carrier rocket and in the first stage of the Antares (Taurus II).

It is reported that among foreign and Russian analogues NK-33 has the highest ratio of thrust to weight.