Symbols GOST Library for DipTrace
The screen below shows a part of the library symbols. In total, the library contains about three hundred UGOs made according to GOST (ESKD) standards.

The library is developed and maintained by me. All suggestions, suggestions for adding symbols (UGO) or components, as well as the development of seats, please leave here in the comments.
At the moment, I am actively translating all the symbols of the standard DipTrace libraries to the kind that Russian standards and standards of the CIS countries show.
Someone may say: “Why do you need this?”, I can answer this question exactly (based on personal experience): the diagrams made using the GOST rules, regarding the general view of the drawing and the drawing of the UGO itself, are much more visual and “more compact” ! And there, someone like)
I enclose the footprint libraries according to the IPS standard with discrete elements, and a library of logos (silk-screen printing) on a printed circuit board. The latter is compiled from many other free libraries.
I also enclose the calculation of the NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE CONDUCTING FIGURE OF THE PCB AND CCP. Made on the basis of:
- GOST R 53429-2009. Printed circuit boards. The main design parameters;
- RD 50-708-91. Instruction Printed circuit boards. Design requirements.
Libraries (and calculation) can be downloaded at: easydevices.ru .
Upd2: The
guys from Novarm (developers of DipTrace), quite recently posted their "official" version of the library of UGO symbols in accordance with GOST. Here is the direct download link (their versions): gost.zip
Library from the user Wan-Derer (transferred from the comments below): DipTrace_mylib.zip
Video tour on the official website: guided-tour .
Tutorials on the official DipTrace: youtube channel .
There is also a lot of information on the official DipTrace website: diptrace.ru .
PS: I would be grateful for any assistance provided to support the project.

The library is developed and maintained by me. All suggestions, suggestions for adding symbols (UGO) or components, as well as the development of seats, please leave here in the comments.
At the moment, I am actively translating all the symbols of the standard DipTrace libraries to the kind that Russian standards and standards of the CIS countries show.
Someone may say: “Why do you need this?”, I can answer this question exactly (based on personal experience): the diagrams made using the GOST rules, regarding the general view of the drawing and the drawing of the UGO itself, are much more visual and “more compact” ! And there, someone like)
I enclose the footprint libraries according to the IPS standard with discrete elements, and a library of logos (silk-screen printing) on a printed circuit board. The latter is compiled from many other free libraries.
Examples on the screen below

I also enclose the calculation of the NUMERICAL VALUES OF THE ELEMENTS OF THE CONDUCTING FIGURE OF THE PCB AND CCP. Made on the basis of:
- GOST R 53429-2009. Printed circuit boards. The main design parameters;
- RD 50-708-91. Instruction Printed circuit boards. Design requirements.
Example in the screenshot below

Libraries (and calculation) can be downloaded at: easydevices.ru .
Upd2: The
guys from Novarm (developers of DipTrace), quite recently posted their "official" version of the library of UGO symbols in accordance with GOST. Here is the direct download link (their versions): gost.zip
Library from the user Wan-Derer (transferred from the comments below): DipTrace_mylib.zip
Video tour on the official website: guided-tour .
Tutorials on the official DipTrace: youtube channel .
There is also a lot of information on the official DipTrace website: diptrace.ru .
PS: I would be grateful for any assistance provided to support the project.
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- 25% I am absolutely not interested in what you are doing here. 5
- 75% I am interested, ready to support the project. fifteen