June 21, Moscow, Deworkacy - AnalyzeIT MeetUp # 2


    By tradition, the mitap will be held in Deworkacy and will be free, you just need to register. On Friday, June 21, at 19.00, our guys will tell how analysts work in the bank and how many rakes they managed to go through over 6 years of work. We will talk about personal effectiveness and the state of the flow, about how not to go crazy working with documentation, about deadlines and other things that are not alien to every analyst. Topics of reports and useful links - under the cut.


    Nikolai Yudin // Problems and methods for solving them

    Limitations, deadlines, constant change of requirements in the process of work - these are all fairly standard problems, which means that you can come up with a universal solution. This is what Nikolay will tell, giving live examples.

    Ekaterina Glushko // Search for the state of a stream in working with information The

    state of a stream is useful in any work. In Catherine’s report, about how a regular system analyst pumped up his own effectiveness, and not just work on requirements.

    Kirill Saleev, Andrey Pankov // How to write a front-line dock and not go crazy

    One of the consequences of the continuous software development cycle is changes in the system. A lot of changes, each of which needs to be fixed. The guys tried to make the process of generating documentation for the front layer more convenient. How it was and what happened is in the report.

    Svetlana Mikheeva // Path of the analyst. Walkthrough

    Svetlana will talk about the requirements that apply to candidates in our bank. What you need to know and be able to do, how interviews are held, what are the opportunities for growth and much more.

    When and where

    Deworkacy on Bolshaya Polyanka, d. 2/10, p. 1.

    Admission is free (registration is on this page ), there will be an online broadcast, we will add to the post as soon as it appears.

    And yet - not Moscow alone. July 10, we will hold a meeting on system analysis in Yekaterinburg, which will be reported a little more recently.

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