June 6 - VeeamON Forum in Moscow

    So the time has come for our annual “face-to-face” meeting. On June 6, for the fifth time in Moscow, a local version of our largest event, the VeeamON Forum, will be held, at which we will be glad to see our potential and current customers - everyone who is interested in virtualization, cloud infrastructures and data protection, and, of course, our dear readers.

    Today I will briefly talk about the program of this conference - and participation in it, as in previous years, is free - and about bonuses for its participants.


    Veeam is more than a backup

    During the program “Good Morning, Country” for the morning session of the forum, we will share news with you, tell you what happened in the past year (new versions of products were released, we first reached the billionth revenue indicator, and much more). We will tell you how we plan to develop and develop our technologies as a leader in our industry.

    The conference will feature:

    • Daniel Fried, CEO and Senior Vice President EMEA
    • Vasily Vaganov, Vice President for Eastern Europe, Russia, the CIS and the Middle East.

    They will talk about approaches to managing data in the cloud, about how much data loss costs in the world and in Russia, and how Veeam solutions help to cope with it.

    In addition to updates in the product line and in the licensing system, Veeam has a lot of interesting things for you, so after lunch our program will be divided into two parallel sessions:

    • one is dedicated to ensuring business continuity (a little more about traditional IT and on-premises infrastructure)
    • the second is about managing data in the cloud

    Here is what our colleagues will talk about in their speeches:

    - How Veeam technical support works
    - How to design a comprehensive Veeam platform for 25,000 virtual machines
    - How to use object storage with Veeam Cloud Tier?
    - How to store personal data in the cloud in compliance with Russian laws?
    - What you need to know about Veeam Backup for Microsoft Office 365?
    - How to minimize the human factor in a DR scenario? (new features of VAO 2.0)

    Among Veeam speakers will be, in particular, Vitaliy Savchenko - head of a group of system engineers, Petr Mukhin - regional director of technical support, as well as an analyst for product developmentAndrey Zhelezko ( anoronn ). As always, it will be possible to communicate with all speakers in an informal atmosphere during breaks, before and after speeches. Come meet live!


    Alliances, partners and just good people

    Due to the product specifics, Veeam has a unique opportunity to be a vendor-agnostic company - in practice, this means that we cooperate with almost all storage manufacturers and the largest players in the cloud platform market (in particular, since 2019 we support Azure and AWS).

    At the Moscow forum, you can listen to experts and talk with representatives of most vendors and our industry partners: for example, HPE, NetApp, Pure Storage, Lenovo and Nutanix not only sponsored the conference, but also prepared reports on how their solutions integrate with the products Veeam. In addition, colleagues from AWS, Infinidat, DellEMC and ESET promised to visit .


    After the break (and lunch :) a round table will begin with the participation of Russian service providers: colleagues from Selectel, Onlanta, ITGLOBAL.COM and DataLine will participate in the discussion . We will be happy to discuss with you that we are waiting for the Russian cloud services market in the next couple of years, and to answer urgent questions.


    And, of course, Veeam TechLabs will work for you , where you can upgrade your skills in deploying, configuring and using Veeam solutions. Remember that there are always more than enough people who want to participate in them, so hurry up to register for them on a separate page starting from June 1.

    We want the VeeamON Forum in Moscow to become a meeting place for the best experts in the field of data management, and we hope that we will succeed. If you are interested, come - the event is completely free! We are waiting for you on June 6 at the Hyatt Regency Hotel on Leningradskoye sh. 36, we will meet in person and introduce our colleagues.

    About bonuses and gifts

    For those who manage to come to the beginning of the event, we have planned a separate gift draw. In addition, prizes from our distributors are waiting for you in coffee breaks: Mont, Merlion and OCS . And at the beginning of the evening buffet (yes, it will be like that) we will present a certificate for training in any of the proposed programs of our educational partner Fast Lane .

    Registration for a free conference is available here .

    When filling out the form, please check the correctness of the data (name, company, position) and do not forget to register separately for work at Veeam TechLabs.

    We are waiting for you in Moscow on June 6 at the VeeamON Forum - Russia!


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