PyConRu-2019 preliminary program: two Python Core Developers, speakers from Anaconda, Intel, JetBrains, Yandex

    Hello, Habr!

    On June 24-25, the seventh Russian conference for python programmers PYCON RUSSIA 2019 will be held 95 km from Moscow .

    Already in the program: Raymond Hettinger (Python core developer, USA), Michael Foord (Python core developer, England), Travis Oliphant (author of SciPy, NumPy, Anaconda, USA), Antonio Cuni (PyPy core developer, Italy), Grigory Bakunov ( Yandex), Andrey Vlasovskikh (JetBrains), Kirill Borisov (, Vadim Pushtaev (Mail.Ru Group), Alexander Khayorov (Chainstack), Ivan Tsyganov (Positive Technologies),Alexey Kuzmin (DomKlik), Zlata Obukhovskaya (evangelist Moscow Python), Vasily Litvinov (Intel). And this is only a preliminary program.

    Under the cut - details of the program.

    If you don’t know what PyConRu is, here is a short video on how last year’s conference went

    Speakers PyConRu-2019

    We are eager to tell who will perform this year. Some speakers are still negotiating on topics, so someone has them, someone will appear soon.

    Our first headliner was Raymond Hettinger (Santa Clara, USA), Python core developer since 2001, author and maintainer of many parts of the language, consultant, trainer. For his exceptional contribution to the development of the Python community, he received an award from the Python Software Foundation. Thanks to this person, generator expressions, local optimization, collections and the itertools module, LRU caching and some built-in functions that we use every day, for example, any, all, enumerate, reversed, zip and sorted - such as they are.

    In 2016, Raymond gave us a chic report “Thinking about Concurrency”. Be sure to check out this report, if not already.

    Michael Foord (Northampton, UK) - Python core developer, creator of unittest2 and the mock libraries, author of IronPython in Action, Python trainer, coach. Michael specializes in python training and comprehensive automated system testing. Regular speaker at PyCon, EuroPython and PyCon UK.

    Travis Oliphant is the author of the SciPy, NumPy and Numba libraries. Founder and director of Anaconda, a free open source Python and R distribution that is used by more than 13 million users. Founder of NumFOCUS, the world famous open source software community, CEO at Quansight.

    Antonio Cuni, core developer at PyPy
    How PyPy can help for high-performance computing

    Antonio Cuni (Genoa, Italy) - PyPy core developer, Ph.D. and Master at Computer Science, author and maintainer of many open source projects, speaker of EuroPython, PyCon Italy, PyCon United Kingdom, PyCon Poland and PyCon South Africa.

    Grigory Bakunov, known by the nickname Bobuk, is Yandex’s technology distribution director. A popularizer of programming, a successful entrepreneur and a frequent participant in many conferences related to Internet technologies. One of the creators and permanent host of the Radio-T podcast.

    Andrey Vlasovskikh, JetBrains
    What will happen in Python 3.8 and what will not be

    What will be new in Python 3.8? You can find out about it yourself from the excellent document What's New in Python 3.8which does not require retelling. Tehlid PyCharm and IdeaVim maintainer at JetBrains Andrei Vlasovskikh will talk about what is described there only briefly or not at all: why will these new features appear, what is the story of their appearance, which is already being discussed and developed, but will not be included in Python 3.8? Andrew will share the information that he learned at PyCon US 2019 from reports and conversations with Python core developers.

    Kirill Borisov,
    Too smart apartment: IoT + Python + everything else

    Cyril decided to make a simple system of collecting (and submitting) meter / sensor readings, using Python to the maximum and all the most fashionable things: asynchrony, cloud computing, telegram bot and MicroPython (IoT-sake). What came of this, Cyril will tell you on PyConRu.

    Alexander Khayorov, Chainstack
    Goodbye Virtual Environments?

    Python provides the developer with tremendous freedom in dependency management, unlike other programming languages. Why did this happen and how can this be linked to the principles of Zen? Should there be only one dependency management tool? In recent years, Pipenv and Poetry have gained notable popularity. And also published PEP 517 (assembly insulation), and what is prophesied to us in it? Development Lead at Chainstack Alexander Khayorov (Singapore) will try to answer all these questions and tell you what to prepare for, given the DevOps practices and their own experience.

    Sergey Borisov, DomKlik
    Workshop "Testing asynchronous applications"

    Everyone knows the importance of testing. The technical director of the Import team at DomKlik Sergey Borisov will show at the master class how they test asynchronous applications together with the database and other infrastructure services using Docker and pytest. During the master class, the participants together with the facilitator will pack the basic web application in Docker and cover it with tests from head to toe :)

    Ivan Tsyganov, Positive Technologies
    (Without) dangerous addictions

    Over the past seven years, the threat “Using components with known vulnerabilities” has taken the ninth place in the OWASP TOP-10 rating. The leading programmer at Positive Technologies, Ivan Tsyganov, will tell you what consequences the use of irrelevant versions of libraries and the interpreter can lead to. Ivan will show exactly how an attacker can exploit the known vulnerabilities in the Django and Django Rest Framework, the SQLAlchemy, lxml, PyYAML and aiohttp-session libraries and in the Python 2 and Python 3 interpreters themselves.

    Vasily Litvinov, Intel
    Profiling Python and C for fun and profit, or Pandas, go fast!

    Vasily will give a brief overview of existing profilers for Python with an emphasis on tools working in mixed mode (capable of showing both Python and native functions at the same time). Such tools may be of particular interest to library developers, but will also be useful to those who use these libraries. Both closed and open source solutions will be presented. The use will be illustrated by examining and speeding up individual parts of Pandas.

    Alexey Kuzmin, DomKlik
    Search and optimization of bottlenecks in Python

    Alex will share his life hacks and tools that will save you time and nerve cells during debugging. As a result, you should have an understanding - which places in the program usually slow down, with what tools it can be confirmed or refuted, and how to fix these places so that there are no more problems.

    Anton Bragin, JetBrains
    Jupyter Notebooks - There is a Better Way

    Anton will analyze the most acute problems that arise when working with Jupyter, and consider approaches and tools to eliminate these problems or reduce their severity. The report will be interesting both to Jupyter lovers who are ready to take a critical look at the very concept of notebooks for scientific computing, to his haters who do not mind giving Jupyter a second chance, as well as to everyone who is interested in the issues of data analysis and presentation using Python.

    Zlata Obukhovskaya, Nvidia
    Structured Concurrency. What is wrong with asynchrony in python?

    At PyCon 2018, Nathaniel Smith spoke about the approach to asynchrony implemented by him in the Trio library. This approach, called structured concurrency, involves building a context for the execution of competitive threads. In this context, it is easier to solve the problems of freeing resources, catching errors and canceling related coroutines.

    The idea was picked up by developers from other languages ​​(Kotlin, C, Swift) and raised a lot of questions:
    - And if instead of a list of equivalent competitive flows we now have a graph?
    - How to transfer data between contexts safely?
    - Who will monitor the life cycle of such graphs?
    - How to effectively run a graph of competitive threads on a single core? And on a few?
    - How to achieve determinism of fulfillment?

    Meanwhile, these issues were somehow solved in other languages ​​and technologies.

    Evangelist of the Moscow Python community Zlata Obukhovskaya will tell you how approaches from other languages ​​are applicable to modern python.

    Anton Patrushev, Spherical
    Python & Rust: together more fun

    Rust is a hot topic in the modern world of development. Anton will briefly talk about this relatively new language, about the advantages that he offers to the developer. The report is built around an example of integrating Rust into an existing Python application that demonstrates the ease and usability of using extensions written in Rust and the readiness of the Python-Rust bundle for use in your Python projects.

    Alexander Artyomenko, Yandex
    Macros for the Pythonist

    This is a talk about what tools can be used to complement Python syntax by adding the necessary features. Alexander will consider how such libraries as pytest, macropy, patterns are arranged and what they do in order to achieve such interesting results. He will also show an example of code generation using macros in HyLang, a lisp-like language running on top of Python.

    Vadim Pushtaev, Mail.Ru
    Development of

    Timlid asynchronous daemons in Mail.Ru Group Search Vadim Pushtaev will talk about how they develop multiprocess services with asyncio inside. Mention the complexity of interprocess communication, the use of shared memory, interaction with queues and storages, and much more.

    Rishat Ibragimov, Yandex
    Quantum Python Programming: Learning from Examples

    Many have heard about quantum computers and the fantastic possibilities that they offer. But not many people know that technology has reached such a level that today anyone can write a simple Python program and run it on a real quantum computer. Rishat will analyze the basics of quantum computing using examples with code, teach him how to run programs on a local simulator and a remote quantum computer.

    Nikita Grishko, Flo Health Inc
    Evolution of dependency management

    If you write in Python, then you use virtual environments and pip to install packages in them. You probably have requirements.txt in your project with all your dependencies, or even two, for example requirements-dev.txt. But what if this good old approach has problems and that there is more than one tool that tries to solve them? Nikita will talk about the existing problems of dependency management and see how the developers tried and are trying to solve them, walk through tools such as pip-tools, pipenv, flit, poetry and try to find out if they are worth your attention and bring them to their projects, or is it just another train of madness which is worth passing.

    Artem Korolev, Timur Kadyrov, Dentsu Aegis Russia
    Creating Industrial Datasets for Deep Learning Tasks The

    guys will talk about a topic that you usually don’t look at Coursera and read on Medium: where do the pictures for marking the dataset come from; whether it is worth marking them up with your own hands or immediately giving it to contractors and the stock exchange; how many days are needed to collect a dataset that meets the requirements of the customer; how to put TK on markup, etc., etc.
    The report is intended for those people who think that deep learning is the lot of big companies with big data and huge departments of data science. The guys will tell you how to approach image recognition from scratch and return to the client with the result in a couple of weeks without using the vision API - Google, AWS or Azure.

    Dmitry Orlov, Edin
    Asynchronous driver for RabbitMQ from the author

    When Dmitry started writing an Open Source library for working with rabbitmq using asyncio, he wanted to make a simple and intuitive interface for everyone. It seems to have worked out, but not right away. This story is about how he had to get into the driver (pika), edit bugs there and write his own driver, and how not to break the current public API and not “harm” users. What is missing in asyncio to write network libraries without pain. The disadvantages of network protocols, in particular, AMQP 0.9.

    Nikita Levonovich, Micropython quest-
    dealers for arcade games and quests in reality

    A modern quest room is about 10 electronic computing devices communicating over a network (MQTT). Most of these EVUs are microcontrollers (ESP32) that control peripheral devices: mp3 players, relays, and various sensors and use I / O devices: displays, diodes, buttons, keyboards, and many others. However, this was not always the case, a couple of years ago there were much fewer devices in the quests, the main computing module was Arduino, and communication between different pairs of devices could occur using different protocols. The report will be devoted to the formation of the architecture used by the Questodela team to solve similar problems on Micropython, as applied to the popular microcontrollers from Espressif Systems.

    Nikolay Markov, Aligned Research
    Workshop “We pack a python project from A to Z”

    Many developers do not really care about the design of the code and wrapping it in packages, especially with the advent of containers. And in general, little is clear in these packages - there are some eggs, and whl, and pipfile ... At the workshop, participants will discuss the correct design of the project in Python (from command line arguments to the documentation), go through the classic process of building the package with their hands, take a look , what's what, and figure out what the ecosystem of python packages looks like in the modern world.

    Artem Malyshev,
    Tools domain driven design

    Complexity is inherent and introduced. From the report you will learn how to organize the first and minimize the second. Artem will talk about how to build your product around the problem being solved, and not the framework used. You will find out in which place it is better to introduce typing and dataclasses, where contract programming and pydantic are useful to you. See the libraries from the dry-python project. And, of course, not without tests. Only practice. No UML schemes or abstract façade factories.

    The conference program is replenished, the most relevant is always on the site . The final program will be ready by June 1.

    All videos from last year’s reports can be viewed on our YouTube channel.


    Now a ticket for double occupancy costs 20,000 rubles, for a single - 28,000 rubles. Since May 20 - more expensive.

    Recall that the ticket price includes:

    • participation in the conference (2 days);
    • Accommodation at the four-star Cronwell Yakhonts Tarusa Hotel;
    • lunch and dinner on June 24; breakfast and lunch on June 25;
    • all coffee breaks;
    • entertainment;
    • buses from the Annino metro station to the conference venue and back on June 24 and 25.

    Registration and details on the conference website .

    We will be very glad to see you at PyConRu!

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