How to entertain yourself with vk api
At some point in my life, I realized that for happiness I need to create 10 pages of copies of myself on Vkontakte and at the same time be added as a friend to people from the friend list of my main page. For details of the implementation of the idea - please, under cat.

To create the pages, I used the sms-reg.com service, more about SMS receiving services is well written here .
We register all 10 pages and write their usernames / passwords in the accounts.json file (where id is the id of the page being registered, and zero_id is the id of our main page):
I will work with the vk_api library.
Create a bots.py file, it will be useful to us for the rest of the scripts:
It reads accounts.json and initializes the api for each of the accounts.

create a friends file in which we write in each line
VKontakte allows you to add about 80 people a day.
The attentive reader has already seen the line
Since Vkontakte does not always like so many requests, you have to process captcha. There are a huge number of services that provide such an opportunity. You just need to send a post request with captcha in base64 and wait.

Here are some screenshots of what people sent me
The main question remains open - why did I do this? I have no idea.

Project objectives
- Make 10 pages on Vkontakte
- Copy avatar from the main page
- Copy all posts from the main page
- Copy all videos from the main page
- Add to all groups of the main page
- Make a complete graph of friendbikes among bots (like every entry and add each bot as a friend)
- Add to each of 80 people from a pre-compiled list of friends
check in
To create the pages, I used the sms-reg.com service, more about SMS receiving services is well written here .
We register all 10 pages and write their usernames / passwords in the accounts.json file (where id is the id of the page being registered, and zero_id is the id of our main page):
"zero_id": "21102****",
"accounts": [
"phone": "7985002****",
"password": "tTod********",
"id": 53980****
"phone": "7985317****",
"password": "tglh********",
"id": 53980****
"phone": "7916033****",
"password": "ZsRq********",
"id": 54038****
python + vk_api
I will work with the vk_api library.
pip install vk_api --user
Create a bots.py file, it will be useful to us for the rest of the scripts:
import json
import vk
import vk_api
from captcha import captcha_handler
with open('accounts.json', 'r') as file:
data = json.loads(file.read())
accounts = data['accounts']
zero_id = int(data['zero_id'])
vk_apis = []
def init_apis():
current_id = 0
for account in accounts:
vk_session = vk_api.VkApi(account['phone'], account['password'], captcha_handler=captcha_handler)
print('account', current_id, 'successfully inited')
current_id += 1
It reads accounts.json and initializes the api for each of the accounts.
Copy avatar
def change_photo(vk):
upload_url = vk.photos.getOwnerPhotoUploadServer()['upload_url']
answer = json.loads(requests.post(upload_url, files={'photo': open('avatar.jpg', 'rb')}).text)
vk.photos.saveOwnerPhoto(photo=answer['photo'], server=answer['server'], hash=answer['hash'])
counter = 0
for vk in vk_apis:
print(counter, 'done')
counter += 1
Video copying
videos = default_vk.video.get(owner_id=zero_id, count=100)
counter = 0
for vk in vk_apis:
for video in videos['items']:
vk.video.add(video_id=video['id'], owner_id=video['owner_id'])
Adding to Groups
from time import sleep
from bots import vk_apis, zero_id, accounts, default_vk
groups = default_vk.groups.get(user_id=zero_id, count=100)
counter = 0
for vk in vk_apis:
for group in groups['items']:
print('add to', group)
counter += 1
Create a complete graph of friends

counter = 0
for vk, account in zip(vk_apis, accounts):
for friend in accounts:
if friend['id'] == account['id']:
vk.friends.add(user_id=friend['id'], captcha_handler=captcha_handler)
print(counter, friend['id'], account['id'])
counter += 1
Create a complete likes graph
![]() | ![]() |
counter = 0
for vk, account in zip(vk_apis, accounts):
for friend in accounts:
if friend['id'] != account['id']:
print(counter, friend['id'], account['id'])
for post in vk.wall.get(owner_id=friend['id'])['items']:
flag = True
while flag:
try: #иногда скрипт падал из-за большого количества запросов в секунду
vk.likes.add(type='post', owner_id=post['owner_id'], item_id=post['id'])
flag = False
print('failed on', counter)
counter += 1
Add to friends
create a friends file in which we write in each line
id_человека #ник_человека (для себя)
VKontakte allows you to add about 80 people a day.
friends_str = ''
with open('friends', 'r') as file:
friends_str = file.read()
friends = [{'id': x.split(' #')[0], 'name': x.split(' #')[1]} for x in friends_str.split('\n')]
ids_ = ([x['id'] for x in (default_vk.users.get(user_ids=[x['id'] for x in friends]))])
for friend, id_ in zip(friends, ids_):
for vk in vk_apis:
flag = True
while flag:
flag = False
CAPTCHA bypass
The attentive reader has already seen the line
from captcha import captcha_handler
Since Vkontakte does not always like so many requests, you have to process captcha. There are a huge number of services that provide such an opportunity. You just need to send a post request with captcha in base64 and wait.

def uncapcha(url):
imager = requests.get(url)
r = requests.post('http://rucaptcha.com/in.php', data = {'method': 'base64', 'key': RUCAPTCHA_KEY, 'body': base64.b64encode(imager.content)})
if (r.text[:3] != 'OK|'):
print('captcha failed')
return -1
capid = r.text[3:]
capanswer = requests.post('http://rucaptcha.com/res.php', data = {'key': RUCAPTCHA_KEY, 'id':capid, 'action':'get'}).text
if (capanswer[:3] != 'OK|'):
print('captcha failed')
return -1
return capanswer[3:]
Here are some screenshots of what people sent me
Hidden text
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
![]() | ![]() |
The main question remains open - why did I do this? I have no idea.