MIPT received the right to host the ICPC Programming World Cup in 2020 in Moscow

    Yesterday, at the Alfandega Congress Center in Porto, it was announced that Moscow was chosen as the venue for the world's oldest and most prestigious student programming championship in the world, the International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) in June next year. The organizer of the final will be MIPT with the support of RDI.Creative.

    This year Shanghai, Sydney and Orlando fought for the right to host the finals. ICPC Executive Director, Professor of Baylor University and member of the Association of Computing Engineering William Paucher congratulated the capital of Russia on the victory: “At the final of the ICPC 2019 Championship in Porto, we met with a delegation from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and outlined a plan for the finals in June 2020 in Moscow. Next year we will come together to award the most talented students in the field of programming who are able to invent solutions to the problems of the future. I am in anticipation that the largest final in the history of ICPC will take place in Moscow, and I will be able to greet everyone in Russian with the words: “Welcome! ".

    The final will be held in Moscow for the first time. In 2013, the venue was St. Petersburg, and in 2014 - Yekaterinburg.

    Traditionally, the finale lasts five days. About 450 students who reached the finals come to it, their coaches, heads of regional competitions of the ICPC, representatives of universities, the industrial community, government officials - only 1,500 delegates. During the visit, countries also demonstrate national features and attractions.

    "In Russia, a strong community has developed, which is engaged in the development of ICPC and Olympiad programming. For seven years now, we have been developing the international educational project Moscow Workshops ICPC, which originated on the campus of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, in which we give students from all over the world, even from the smallest university, an opportunity to train with champions of competitions and realize their talents. More than 2.2 thousand students from 205 universities have already taken part in training programs around the world, all 10 teams that spoke from Russia at the end of this year trained at Moscow Workshops. It is a great honor for us to host the finals in Moscow. With the support of the state and industry, we intend to hold it at the highest level , ”said Alexey Maleev , Director of the ICPC Final in Moscow, Vice-Rector of MIPT, founder of Moscow Workshops ICPC .

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