Russians will receive a digital profile

After gaining “ digital rights ”, Russia is waiting for a digital profile for citizens and legal entities.
A bill about this appeared on the federal portal.
He will enter the Duma by mid-April and may be adopted until the end of June.
What will we talk about?
The draft on amendments to the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 149-ФЗ “On Information, Information Technologies and the Protection of Information” speaks about the identification and authentication of citizens and legal entities. It will simplify interactions using information technology.
The profile will be launched as part of the federal project "Information Infrastructure" of the state program "Digital Economy". The concept was invented jointly by the Ministry of Communications, the Bank of Russia and Rostelecom.
The digital profile will become part of the Unified Identification and Authentication System (ECIA). Now it stores data of users of government services.
The new legal term will read:
“A digital profile is a collection of information about citizens and legal entities contained in the information systems of state bodies and organizations that exercise separate public powers in accordance with federal laws, as well as in a single identification and authentication system.”
Simply put, a digital profile will be enough to apply online and get, for example, a loan. By the way, they plan to test the profile in this way. Banks from the Fintech Association are invited to the experiment.
For actions using a digital profile, legally relevant data will be downloaded automatically. Entering data yourself is not required.
The profile will be able to offer services that are required by law. It will become easier to apply for, for example, a tax deduction or receive benefits.
In Article 1, the bill also defines the infrastructure of the digital profile:
“The infrastructure of the digital profile is a set of information systems in a single identification and authentication system that provide access to the digital profile.”
The infrastructure of the digital profile is created for the exchange of information between all interacting individuals. She will provide:
- Identification and authentication of physical and jur. persons.
- Access to a digital profile.
- Providing and updating profile information.
- Obtaining and withdrawing consent to the processing of personal data when required by law.
- Providing information to receive any service.
- Storage of information.
In some cases, under current law, consent to receive information using the infrastructure is not required.
It is assumed that this time the state will work with infrastructure at an unprecedented rate:
“State bodies, organizations that exercise separate public powers in accordance with federal laws are obliged to provide the digital profile to the infrastructure and update this information on an ongoing basis for a period not exceeding 15 seconds from the time that the relevant information is amended. ”
Between government agencies, all interactions will occur through a single system of interagency electronic interaction.
In addition, the bill will introduce minor changes in a number of federal laws:
- Article 2 - in the Federal Law "On Personal Data".
- Article 3 - to the Federal Law of July 7, 2003 No. 126-ФЗ “On Communications”.
- Article 4 - to the Federal Law of November 21, 2011 No. 323-ФЗ “On the Basics of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”.
By the end of the year, they plan to launch a mobile application for working with a digital profile.
While lawmakers are preparing a draft for transfer to the State Duma, we provide a cloud infrastructure that meets all the requirements of already adopted laws.