How was the opening of Zabbix in Russia?

    On March 14, the first Russian Zabbix office opened in Moscow. The opening celebration was held in the form of a mini-conference, gathering more than 300 customers and interested users.


    The event began with an exam. A pre-planned session made it possible to prove your knowledge and obtain a certificate of a certified specialist or certified Zabbix professional without having passed the appropriate training course. Congratulations to those who coped! Impressed with the average score of the ZCP exam: 95.71% of the correct answers. Perhaps Zabbix is ​​in good hands.

    The official part began with a welcome speech by the founder and CEO of Zabbix, Alexey Vladyshev. When the vector of Zabbix development in Russia was designated, customers and users of Zabbix made speeches sharing their own experience.

    Igor Sharygin, head of the department for the development and support of systems at the processing center of Alfa Bank JSC, spoke about how Zabbix is ​​used in Alfa Bank processing. Zabbix makes it possible to learn about problems before customers, monitor financial performance of processing and manage infrastructure utilization, preventing 99% of problems.


    Presentations on the experience of using the Zabbix system on the scale of the Sberbank infrastructure were presented by Andrei Kovalenko, Managing Director of Sberbank's User Solutions Department, and Aleksey Yevtushenko, Director General of Sberbank-Service LLC.

    “Sberbank is a huge infrastructure with branches throughout the country. The company is old and the amount of installed equipment is huge, unfortunately, all of it is of many vendors and of different age, minus is that it is difficult to give uniform quality throughout the territory. To achieve this quality, monitoring is needed. Historically, many systems were used at Sberbank, but when the centralization process began, the problem of choosing a single system rose to its full potential. Among the criteria set by the bank: scalability, price-quality ratio, high performance, correlation of events. It was critically important to be able to monitor the entire heterogeneous infrastructure. And the choice was limited to the Zabbix platform. Because the platform is open, it is possible to modify it and quickly adapt it. ”



    “On the basis of Sberbank-Service, I think one of the best Zabbix teams in Russia was formed. The speed with which Sberbank-Service develops a monitoring system is impressive. I don’t know who could do the job better. ” - summarized Andrey Kovalenko.

    Nikolay Samosvat, QIWI IT project manager, clearly demonstrated what and with what methods Zabbix does for QIWI: “The main thing we did was to abandon manual operations, all routine actions were completely automated by integration with internal systems, which allowed us to direct the strength of administrators to develop monitoring. ”


    Anton Petrov, head of the incident response and monitoring department of the Noyabrskneftegazsvyaz network, spoke about monitoring infrastructure at LLC Noyabrskneftegazsvyaz using Zabbix : “Due to the large number of monitoring objects, tasks were set to reduce the response time to emergency shift events, reduce the duration of downtime of services for customers and increase the speed of interaction of technical support with telecom operators. ”


    Denis Ananiev, Chief Specialist of Rosbank PJSC, demonstrated the monitoring of infrastructure at Rosbank in the context of time: yesterday, today and tomorrow. For more than five years, the bank has been constantly working with monitoring systems.


    Valentin Nyk, Head of CROC's IT Infrastructure Management Systems Division, introduced and graphically illustrated Zabbix as the basis of an integrated monitoring system.


    In turn, the deputy director of the service development and outsourcing department of Servionika (Ai-Teco Group of Companies) on behalf of the whole company declared Zabbix in love, simultaneously telling how and why this monitoring solution is used.


    An interesting and memorable presentation was made by Rospartner technical director Alexei Kamenev, he introduced Zabbix as the main tool for monitoring the IT services of the Moscow Government.


    Ilya Ableev, head of the monitoring department of Badoo, spoke about the Zabbix community in Russia, providing impressive statistics and facts.


    In addition to custom cases, more technical, training speeches from technical support engineers and certified Zabbix trainers were made at the event. Alexey Petrov spoke about the visualization possibilities in Zabbix, and Elina Kuzyutkina shared tricks and tricks.

    Sergey Sorokin, Director of Zabbix LLC, told how Zabbix can make your life easier. The possibilities of a multi-level Zabbix vocational training program, technical support services, development services and other professional services - tools to simplify and improve the process of using Zabbix were examined in detail.


    Alexey Vladyshev’s speech about what to expect in Zabbix 4.2 is of great interest - advanced preprocessing, data collection from Prometheus agents, use of preprocessing on proxy, template tags and hosts, remote monitoring of Zabbix infrastructure and other changes that will be available with the release of the release in the beginning of April.

    At the end of the festive event, there were gifts. A ticket to the Zabbix Conference Russia 2019, a gift certificate for the Zabbix training course and an annual subscription to the Zabbix Gold level of technical support went to the lucky winners of the festive lottery.

    Photos and presentations are available on the event page.

    We thank everyone who came and apologize to those who did not have enough space. Zabbix is ​​now in Russia, which means that there will be more events, and we will be glad to see everyone!

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