OWASP Russia Meetup


    On April 3, with the support of Jet Infosystems, the next meeting of the Russian branch of the OWASP community will be held, which will bring together information security experts.


    The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) brings together large companies, educational organizations and individuals from around the world. Community members write articles and tutorials, create documentation, tools and technologies. All OWASP developments are publicly available.


    18:30 Registration
    19:00 Security in the Cloud, Evgeni Sidorov, Yandex
    19:30 Advanced Operational Techniques XXE, Ivan Bulavin, Information Security
    20:00 Break
    20:15 Advanced Web Fuzzing with BurpSuite: How to not miss your best
    vulnerability, Arkady Litvinenko , BI.ZONE
    20:45 Closing remarks


    The number of seats is limited, so you need to register in advance .
    The venue of the meeting is the art space Photofacture. A video broadcast will also be available.

    OWASP Russia chat: https://t.me/OWASP_Russia
    OWASP Russia channel: https://t.me/OWASP_RU

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