Kontur.Kampus: we invite you to a free student camp of industrial development near St. Petersburg

    The campus is a student camp for novice programmers, where Contour developers share their knowledge. Five days we will learn to write clean code, test and design. And in the evenings, drink tea with cookies, play board games and work in a team of smart guys like you! At the Campus you will gain experience in industrial development and find new friends with whom you will have a great time :)

    On April 15, the Campus goes on a visit to the Northern capital! If you are from the Leningrad, Pskov, Novgorod regions or Karelia, we are waiting for you!

    And the Campus is an opportunity to come to the internship and stay to work in the circuit.

    For you it’s free, we take care of travel and accommodation. Selection by test, details on the website kontur.ru/kampus .

    We will be happy if you tell friends from St. Petersburg and the nearest regions about the Campus :)

    School program

    The general direction of the school is “Designing and testing code in C #”. Now they learn a lot to create programs where - this is not difficult. It is difficult to create programs with high internal quality. We at school teach this.

    Before the school, participants will receive a list of materials for home study, so that the group at an in-person meeting was about the same level of knowledge of theory. At the school itself, the emphasis will be on the practice and analysis of complex cases.

    A trivial theory, which is easy to get to know yourself, will be a minimal amount.


    Clean code

    • Local comprehensibility and verifiability of programs.
    • Reuse. The principles of decomposition and composability.
    • The practice of creating Fluent Api.


    • Auto-testing black and white box. Creation of tests according to the specification. What works best, testing or code review?
    • Patterns and antipatterns of the organization of unit tests.
    • Practice Test Driven Development.


    • Design Principles for SRP, OCP, DIP, and Dependency Injection.
    • The practice of using DI containers.
    • Mock libraries for testing OOP code.

    You will work in pairs or teams throughout the school. School teachers will help you - practicing software engineers with many years of experience. In addition to classes, there will be enough time to chat with them on arbitrary professional topics.

    Training blocks will dilute the hackathon, on which you have to fix all the acquired skills.

    Acceptance of applications has begun!

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