The first private spaceport will be built in Russia

    As a place for the spaceport are considered the Nizhny Novgorod region and the Republic of Tatarstan, write "Izvestia". The site will be used for suborbital launches at a height of about 200 km. Since light missiles do not require a large exclusion zone around the launch site, it is possible to build on a densely populated territory in Central Russia. So say entrepreneurs from Skolkovo, who came up with the idea of ​​making money on space tourism. LLC “CosmoCurs”

    announced the construction(Skolkovo resident). The cosmodrome on the 2.5 × 2 km section will be equipped with one launch pad with two undecked launch tables - the main and backup, made in a simplified scheme (without robotic elements), as well as service towers that provide people with access to the rocket. Also on the territory of the complex will be a system for refueling and storing fuel, a transport and installation unit, and some other elements. The project cost is $ 40 million. The

    central object of the cosmodrome is a large technical complex for the final assembly of the rocket, testing and inter-flight maintenance. The lion's share of the complex will be occupied by a flat circular platform for landing landing capsules with a radius of about 2 km.

    The CosmoCurs company was founded in 2014 as part of the Skolkovo Foundation. The main activity is space tourism. General Director - Pavel Pushkin. The latter assures that the main investor, whose name is not called, allocated money for the construction of the cosmodrome.

    In addition to the cosmodrome, CosmoCurs is developing a reusable suborbital space complex for tourist space flights (ISSC). It consists of a reusable suborbital launch vehicle (MSRN) and a reusable suborbital spacecraft (IASC).

    A space tourist will be offered a flight lasting 15 minutes in a group of six excursionists, in which each tourist will be able to be in zero gravity for 5-6 minutes, freely moving inside the cabin with a total volume of 30 m 3, and having the opportunity to look at the Earth from space in a personal window.

    As reported on the official website, the feature of the flight cyclogram is a strictly vertical active site for the excretion of MSCs using MSRN. After separation, MSCA and MCPN continue to fly by inertia. MSCA makes a ballistic descent and landing using parachute and jet systems. MSRN makes descent and landing using the propulsion system of the propulsion system and the propulsion system of orientation and stabilization.

    The use of new additional operations upon returning from outer space "allows us to ensure the complete reusability of the complex and at the same time implements a reliable and safe flight scheme with multi-level parry of emergency situations and a concomitant reduction in the health requirements of potential tourists." Parry of possible emergency situations is provided at all stages of the flight due to:

    • the use of emergency rescue systems (CACs) with liquid-propellant rocket engines (LRE) as part of ISCs;
    • hot backup in case of failure of one or more single rocket engines (depending on the position of the time interval of the accident on the flight sequence diagram);
    • the use of a parachute-reactive landing system that ensures guaranteed safe landing of the ISCS at relatively low speeds even in the event of a parachute or reactive system failure (rigid landing scheme);
    • the presence in MSK of a shock-absorbing system, an analogue of which is the shock-absorbing chair of the astronaut Kazbek-UM.

    This approach allows you to create a new product with fundamentally new qualities, businessmen say. At the same time, the space flight service is implemented with the following parameters:

    • Crew: 6 tourists + instructor.
    • Ticket price: $ 200-250 thousand
    • Altitude: 180−220 km.
    • Time in zero gravity: 5-6 minutes.
    • Flight time: 15 minutes.
    • First flight: 2025.

    Initially, it was planned to launch from the Kapustin Yar or Baikonur Cosmodrome, but now the company decided to build its own: “The Baikonur Cosmodrome is far from the central part of the country and has the infrastructure for launching medium and heavy launch vehicles, which is not suitable for the implementation of our project,” said company Pavel Pushkin. - If we talk about the Vostochny Cosmodrome, then there are no convenient fields for landing. Therefore, we designed our own site exclusively for suborbital launches. ”

    According to Pushkin, in the future, the spaceport can also be used for other projects: tests of space technology and rocket-modeling competitions. He says that in the United States there are more than ten private spaceports at various levels, so the appearance of such a spaceport in Russia stimulates the development of new industries. The founder of the Lin Industrial project, Alexander Ilyin, agrees that the testing platform would be useful to many private rocket scientists.

    If a suitable site is chosen, then construction will begin in 2022.

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