MegaSlurm in Moscow in early June: first announcement and discounts
TL; DR - if you pass Slurm-3 (February 1–3), then MegaSlerm (May 31 - June 2) will cost 15,000 less.
Slurm is an introduction to Cubernétes. Each participant creates his own cluster and deploys an application in it, although the majority sees Cubernets for the first time.
Slurm 3 will be held February 1-3 in St. Petersburg.
Slurm-4 - May 27–29 in Moscow.
MegaSlerm - advanced course on Cubernette. The idea of the June Mega: each participant will launch an update of the cluster components and in parallel - deploy into the cluster (imitate the situation when the Dev and Ops do not agree on the windows, but work simultaneously). And everything will turn out without downtime and manual intervention.
MegaSlurm will be held from May 31 to June 2 in Moscow.
Mega was developed as a continuation of Slurm. Themes are not repeated, and the speakers expect that the participants of Mega know Slurm's material. However, experienced engineers at Cubernétes ignore the basic course. I myself would not pay tangible money to repeat the basics.
When we see such problems, we solve them through pricing.
At Slurm-2, we noticed that employers do not want to pay for more expensive full-time participation. Therefore, at Slurm-3, we have equalized prices for offline and online. Let the participant choose not as cheaper, but more comfortable to learn. From now on, the same prices will remain.
From this moment on Mega we give a 25% discount to all participants of Slurm-1, Slurm-2, Slurm-3 and Slurm-4.
The starting price of Moscow MegaSlerm is 60 thousand. With a discount it will cost 45 thousand.
Ticket sales will begin on March 1.
If you live in Moscow and work with Kuburnetes, you can work on Slurm-3 online in February, and then get a discount and “first-hand right” when buying a ticket to Megu.