Azure Exam Preparation

  • Tutorial
In the last article, I talked about the new Azure exams (AZ Series: az-103, az-203, az-30 *). Now you can discuss exam preparation.

In the article I will tell about

And some other resources.

  1. В статье я не буду касаться вопросов типа «А зачем вообще сдавать?»
  2. В статье будет мое личное мнение про подготовку к экзамену, оно может отличаться от вашего мнения или, тем более, мнения Microsoft.
  3. В статье будут освещены только англоязычные ресурсы
    • во-первых, русскоязычных просто нет. Личные блоги не дадут вам нужной картины.
    • во-вторых, только англоязычные ресурсы являются источником правды (source of truth). В общении с поддержкой бесполезно ссылаться на русскоязычную версию, даже если кто-то из сотрудников Microsoft типа Cloud Solution Architect прислал ссылку на русскоязычную статью.
    • в-третьих, в теории сдавать экзамен на русском можно, но что-то мне подсказывает, что эти версии сильно сложнее для понимания.

  4. Минимальный уровень знаний по Azure у вас есть, т.к. сертифицироваться, не имея опыта — это очень плохая идея. Сертификат – это все-таки подтверждение квалификации.
  5. Подготовка к экзаменам по Data&AI в статье затронута не будет, т.к. в не эксперт в этой теме.
  6. Подготовку к экзамену Az-400 (DevOps) и Az-500 (security), я также не затрону, т.к. не сдавал и не готовился. Да и без этого экзамена контента будет достаточно.

Microsoft learning

The first resource to which you need to pay attention, will be Microsoft Learning . This resource, which can be used to learn Azure from scratch, while choosing your role (developer, architect, admin).
There are many relatively small pieces that can be studied for 30-60 minutes a day for 1-3 months, while covering a very wide layer of material.

One of the most important points is that there are many small laboratory works that help to build muscle memory. For example, take all the sections on Azure that may be of interest to developers . These are 129 practical exercises, and for architects 80 courses (as of May 6, 2019)

Of course, about 1-3 months - this is completely from scratch. If you have been working with Azure for the last couple of years, then this resource should be reviewed very quickly, find gaps in your knowledge and go on to prepare for the exam.

Pluralsight RoleIQ

For starters, you can pass Azure knowledge tests for free in 3 areas: architecture, development, infrastructure, and as a result, get some 0-300 of your knowledge. Each role consists of several tests 6-9, which allows a comprehensive look at their knowledge. (You need to create an account, you do not need to bind the card, you do not need to start a free trial either. Tests are available without it). An example of architecture

In my opinion, these are good qualitative tests ( there is a qualitative, and there is a quantitative method that will give value ) to evaluate your knowledge.

Numerical estimates meant little to me, because I did not agree with the formulation of many questions, as well as with the answers.
  • Самыми простыми примерами можно считать вопросы типа: «На каком blade вы можете найти данные метрик» и дальше 4 варианта выбора. С учетом того, что портал быстро меняется, и названия вкладок я лично не запоминаю, этот вопрос с точки зрения тестирования не корректен.
  • Или задание: «выберите правильный метод, чтобы удалить сообщение из очереди». Здравый смысл меня в нем подвел, т.к. я выбрал queue.Dequeue вместо правильного queue.DequeueMessage. На мой взгляд, такие вопросы очень странные, ведь это всегда подскажет Auto-complete в любой IDE.
  • Ну или вопрос: «Назовите наиболее используемые состояния подключения к ресурсу, в паттерне circuit-breaker в популярной имплементации». Как бы сказать: «часто используемые и популярные имплементации» — это прям «точный» вопрос. Осталось померить популярность и частоту использования состояний.

Each question is given a time limit , depending on the length of the question text + all the answers. But if you want to hack the system, it will be hard, because time is given not much.

For all this, the estimate is nonlinear , i.e. You have passed 17 out of 20 questions - you will receive 255 out of 300. It depends on the complexity of the tasks and at what point you made a mistake. For me personally, such a system is a bit confusing (it turns out that if you made a mistake in the beginning, this is bad, and if closer to the end, it is less scary), but it gives a qualitative result.

By the way, you can entertain your self-esteem, because at the end of each test, they give not only an estimate, but also the percentage of people who passed better than you. It is pleasant to see that 1-3% surrendered to you better.

I see this test as a way to divide the mass of those who want to learn into several groups according to their initial skills.

  • If a person has passed an average of 200-250, then he has nothing to do on training.
  • If 100 - he is clearly in the group of beginners.

After passing the test, they will recommend courses that close the gaps in knowledge, but these courses are already for money.

OpenEDX / CloudSociety.learning

There are courses for each section listed in the exam description. This is a kind of squeeze, brain dump, which you need to know for exams.

You enroll for the course (enroll), read the content, do small test tasks on your own and at the end pass a small test. I am not ready to guarantee that, having learned the text of all the modules, you will pass the exam, but if you already know Azure, this resource will greatly help to reduce the preparation time.

In my subjective opinion, courses with OpenEDX / CloudSociety are as close as possible to what is asked in the AZ series exams and are free.

I will give here a list of courses for exam preparation. (To get on the openedx version, just replace the URL “cloudsociety.learning” with “openedx” or vice versa).
There are updates for trainings, therefore I recommend to check references on your own before starting training. at the time of the first publication, the current version was 2018_T3, and at the time of editing already 2019_T2

AZ-103 / Microsoft Azure Administrator

Why is Microsoft 2 platforms on one engine I absolutely do not understand
Ведь почти все курсы на 2 ресурсах одновременно. И контент одинаковый, и вопросы-ответы и даже порядок следования вопросов. Найдите отличия!

Я ожидал, судя по тому, что статья про CloudSociety Learning появилась 20 декабря, то, предположительно, развивать будут CloudSociety, а не openedx. Но сейчас в январе 2019 почему-то ссылки на cloud society на домене стали перенаправляться на внешний домен. При этом в Microsoft, менеджер, отвественный за обучение partners, мне не смог ответить, а сам дает ссылки на OpenEDX.

  • Я нашел у openedx всего один плюс: Microsoft генерирует сертификаты о прохождении курсов бесплатно. На edx нужно заплатить 99$ за каждый, а на CloudSociety вообще сертификатов нет (по состоянию на 5 января). Выглядит сертификат солидно, с подписью самого-самого, правда непонятно насколько эти сертификаты имеют ценность.
  • Хотя есть и минус: на openedx курсов не видно в поиске — на них можно попасть только по прямым ссылкам. Возможно, это означает, что этот ресурс уже не целевой, но тогда возникает вопрос: «а зачем нужно было заводить новый ресурс на том же движке, заливать туда контент и рекламировать его в блоге?» Если кто-то знает ответ, то поделитесь этой тайной.

But there is a drawback to OpenEDX / CloudSociety - There are no real labs (reference to the instructions in the official documentation is not serious).

MicrosoftLearning Labs on github

A series of laboratory work on github is attached to the official courses for Microsoft Certified Trainers. They can be used without the course itself.

Pluralsight courses

In 2019, paths appeared for preparing directly for the AZ series exams.

What is the path to a preparation course? Judging by the dates (some of the courses were made in August, even before the announcement of the new exams) , the content was not originally made for these exams, but only after the announcement of new tests from the courses, paths covering the topics from the exam were formed.

Unfortunately, I can’t say anything about the relevance of these courses to the exams themselves. They came out recently, the amount of content there is huge, but I also have a paid subscription now.

But I repeat: it looks very close to what is described on the exam pages.

Linuxacademy courses

Courses on this resource appeared later than the others, but you can also consider them.

Microsoft Cloud Workshop Project

Microsoft has published on github a series of Cloud Workshops, in which you can take HandOnLabs and use them to do the suggested practical exercises. Because All exams, AZ series, are declared as Experience based, then practical experience is invaluable.

And many other useful laboratory work.
I do not propose to grind all the practical work, especially when you consider that they are untied from the AZ series exams themselves. But these Handsonlabs will give you practical experience. Will you already use this content or not - your will.

Azure Architecture Center

A good resource created by the team Patterns and Practices , which with a very big desire can be mastered in a day (read all the articles).
There are also niche examples, such as Architecture for Gaming .
  • You can deal with the patterns that pnp teams have allocated (I’m not saying that rocket technologies, but they don’t write about space either in GangOf4). For example, competing consumers . These patterns are found in courses AZ-300, and may be found in exams.
  • Read Checklists in different directions. For example, the Resiliency / Scalability checklist (also not quantum chromodynamics, but checklists are not created for this, but in order not to miss something by chance)
  • You can see a simple reference architecture
  • Well, a lot more interesting.

This resource will be useful to read not only those who are going to be a cloud architect , but also developers , because It is for them to implement these templates, and at the same time itpro some things will be interesting, such as the myths about the migration to the Cloud .

Courses for Microsoft Partners

Microsoft for its Partners does study groups. This is a series of video courses, one hour per module (for az-203 there are 6 of them), and a set of links to them. You can register yourself and see (in the record) if you know your MCP ID and MS Partner ID (MPID)

Probably there is more, but I was not looking for other courses.

And one more series from a Microsoft manager who is responsible for training partners


EDX is a well-known platform: there are a lot of different courses from leading universities. There are collected, including, and courses from Microsoft on Azure
What is the global difference between EDX and Cloud Society is that this is external to Microsoft , and Microsoft’s presence on it is mandatory, because this is a demonstration of the flag (there are many other good courses, and we should be there), and “trading on the red lines” (maybe someone will pass by and learn our courses, even if they don’t really want to).

But with this platform in December 2018, there was a problem that divided the EDX by zero, for me personally
Все практические тесты стали платными, т.е. за 99$.

А прогресс по курсу буквально через месяц будет удален, если курс не оплачен, даже если курс длится 3 месяца.

Я понимаю, что компании нужны деньги, но без тестов подготовка к Azure экзаменам имеет мало смысла, а с ними – это минимум в пару тысяч долларов влетит. И если верить анонсированному еще весной 2018 подходу, вряд ли тесты сделают снова бесплатными. Я, естественно, блог EDX не читаю, поэтому об изменениях я узнал сначала через вот такое сообщение на портале, которое меня сильно удивило.

Стало как-то неприятно, но зато понятно, почему Microsoft нужен собственный ресурс. На мой взгляд, Microsoft не может полагаться в столь важном процессе, как обучение, на добрую волю внешней компании, на которую они никак не влияют. Поэтому нужен собственный ресурс, который, если что, ее заменит и которому не нужно будет зарабатывать деньги. Но это лишь мое мнение.

Microsoft Professional Program

There is an MPP program (which replaces Microsoft Virtual Academy and many other training resources) where you can go through a track that includes several 9-12 courses on edx and get one general certificate that you graduated from this track (passed tests, labs, etc.)

All courses from MPP are hosted on the EDX platform, in connection with which in 2019 there was a problem:
Пройти тесты к курсам можно только за деньги, без них на MPP сайте курс не будет отмечен как завершенный. В итоге, общий сертификат MPP можно получить, только заплатив за каждый курс по 99$. Я надеюсь, что Microsoft сможет перенести информацию о прохождении по курсам с EDX на свою платформу Cloud Society без потери прогресса, иначе это дискредитирует MPP программу.

In the context of passing Azure exams, we are interested in the Cloud Administration track in the first place,
because It includes the following courses:
  • Microsoft Professional Orientation: Cloud Administration
  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Machines
  • Microsoft Azure Virtual Networks
  • Microsoft Azure Identity
  • Microsoft Azure Storage
  • Microsoft Azure App Service
  • Databases in Azure
  • Azure Security and Compliance
  • Automating Azure Workloads
  • Migrating Workloads to Azure

Эти же курсы можно найти и на Cloud Society. Курсы из этой программы не соотносятся с экзаменами по Azure, потому что они сильно проще, но можно начать изучать Azure и готовиться к экзамену AZ-103 именно с нее.

In addition to tests, there is also laboratory work in the real cloud. I strongly recommend them to do if you have time, because The AZ series exams also have labs that need to publish something, repair something in a real cloud. Hands-on experience is invaluable when taking az-103 .

I would use this program as the minimum admission to work with Azure in the company. I got it - get access, I didn't get it - sorry, but additional tests are needed. The course is simple, I would even say, suitable for second-year students (who have already learned to study the material themselves, as in high school, and not as in the middle — the teacher will tell all the topics, the main thing is to attend diligently). I would highly recommend

Azure IoT as a track to prepare for an architectural exam.
Although this track is weaker than the courses on Big Data, but it still has 4 courses that are worth seeing:
  • Getting Started with the Internet of Things (IoT)
  • IoT Data Analytics and Storage
  • IoT Architecture Design and Business Planning
  • Business Intelligence for IoT Solutions
  • Они покрывают как Azure Iot Reference Architecture, пример — RFP (request for proposal) для IoT решения, так и обзоры сервисов типа PowerBi, Time Series, Hot/Cold storage, Event/IoT hubs.

You can still learn the tracks DevOps , Big Data , but this is outside the stated topic.

Official documentation

This is a great place to learn , because only it is the official source of truth.

You can spend hours and even days reading, watching, even trying to repeat what is shown in the documentation. I see 3 problems:

  1. Lack of laboratory work. This is a huge minus, because for many people, “muscular” memory is better than visual.
  2. Mostly outdated documentation (or at least screenshots). The documentation is huge. For example, when I last checked, it contained 9000 pictures that were not referenced at all in the documentation. True, those that were referenced were 50 thousand, but many needed to be updated. With the text is the same.
  3. Sometimes there is simply no answer to the right questions in the documentation and the only way to find a solution is to make it by trying all the options.

But all these 3 problems still do not outweigh the fact that documentation is the main source of theoretical knowledge .


Channel9 is not a resource for learning about Azure. At best, this is a place where you can get a notification about the existence of a new feature, but the details are only in practice and in the documentation. Therefore, I personally download videos selectively before a business trip to watch in the plane. Fortunately, for the month, usually 5-6 pieces of 10 minutes each appear.

Azure Blog

This resource is better and more detailed than Channel9, but is close to it in its essence and is suitable for receiving notifications about new features. Sometimes there are technical details that cannot be found even in the documentation (which causes me confusion), but finding such moments is like searching for needles in a haystack. Therefore, I crossed out this source for myself.

Github repositories

There are so many samples on github. For example , the examples are not bad, they have done a lot for all services, and they usually cover the needs of developers / architects quite well. I would not call github a resource for exam preparation, since there is nothing specific to the AZ series exams. But as a place where you can see code samples on the stated topics of the exam, completely.

One problem: the support of these examples is almost zero. I opened up issues / pull requests and considered luck if there was at least a response in a month. New features through issue have never been added. But in some cases, pull request was accepted, but not always. At the same time, I was not some no name user, but an employee of the company, but this generally had no effect.

Azure User stories

Microsoft likes to publish marketing materials. From them you can learn some examples of how customers use Azure. This does not help much when passing the exam, but at least you can form a picture of the world. You can start with this link

There are also some more technical information where interesting examples from the hackathons fast. I really liked this resource, because there is usually both a visual picture, how it looks from the point of view of architecture (what is connected with it) and an explanation of why. Here are a couple of examples of such cases:

  • The man had an injury in the locomotor system . It takes a long time to recover, and there are few places in specialized centers. The idea - let's write out faster, so that more people turn around, and put Kinect connected to the Internet to the person’s home . If a person moves - well, the doctor can see how often and correctly. If the opposite does not use - take action.

  • Or road workers / mechanics / locksmiths whose hands are busy, but you can voice ask the bot “when and who repaired this section of the road” or “is there a part in stock”. If the phone is fixed on the helmet, then we can say: “take a photo”, so that you don’t climb into your hands by elbows, but fix the result of the repair and attach it to the report.
  • Well and at the worst, any connected farm

It is very interesting to see what people do, what ideas they generate.

Azure IoT school

For the Architectural exam, you can try to do practical tasks from the Azure IoT School. The developer in the exam is not asked, but architects are asked.


On this resource, in March 2019, an AZ-100 course appeared , and after a couple of weeks, the exam was marked as “obsolete since May 2019”. But there was nothing specialized in architecture or design.

The way of studying-passing examinations-certification recommended by me

If you are a project manager using Azure, I would recommend the following set of resources and steps to learn:
  1. Microsoft Professional Program -> Cloud Administration track (General overview of basic services. You can not donate laboratory work, but read the content will be correct).
  2. Most likely, you will have a lot more to google, because specialized content for AZ-900 at the time of writing the article Internet. (Except courses from Microsoft Certified Trainers)
  3. Exam AZ-900 (exam confirming that you know all the key concepts on Azure)

If you are ITPro
  1. OpenEdx / Courses on Cloud Society included in the Microsoft Professional Program -> Cloud Administration track (General overview of basic services. You can not donate laboratory work, but read the content will be correct)
  2. OpenEdx / Cloud Society - AZ-100 / AZ-101 preparation materials
  3. On RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> Microsoft Azure Administrator (go through tests to verify your skills)
  4. Exam AZ-900 (exam confirming that you know all the key concepts on Azure)
  5. Exam AZ-103

If you are a developer (and know .net / C #)

  1. Courses at the OpenEdx / Cloud Society, included in the Microsoft Professional Program -> Cloud Administration track (A general overview of basic services developers need, because not all projects can be done on pure PAAS, but you still need to understand basic infrastructure services, because the same AKS are based, after all, on VMs connected to Vnets with Load Balanced, Public IP, Network Security Groups, etc.)
  2. OpenEdx / Cloud Society - AZ-200 / AZ-201 preparatory materials
  3. On RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> Microsoft Azure Developer (tests pass, to make sure in their skills)
  4. AZ-900 Not required, but useful (an exam confirming that you know all the key Azure concepts. )
  5. Exam AZ-203

If you do not know C # /. Net, it will be harder for you to pass, but it is possible, because All C-like languages ​​are very similar, and you can look at the API without knowing C #.

If you are an Architect (Solution or any other type). This path will be the longest, but "There are no royal paths to geometry."
  1. Courses on the Cloud Society included in the Microsoft Professional Program -> Cloud Administration track (General overview of basic services. You can not pass laboratory work, but the content will be correct)
  2. Courses on the OpenEdx / Cloud Society included in the Microsoft Professional Program -> IoT track
  3. OpenEdx / Cloud Society - AZ-300 / AZ-301 preparatory materials
    • OpenEdx / Cloud Society - AZ-100 / AZ-101 preparatory materials (Not mandatory, but very useful, because you can look at the same services from a different angle)
    • OpenEdx / Cloud Society - AZ-200 / AZ-201 preparatory materials (Not mandatory, but very useful, because you can look at the same services from a different angle)
  4. I highly recommend passing the AZ-900 exam. (The test confirms that you know all the key concepts of Azure. For Architects, this is a Checkpoint in which you can make sure that you are on the right path)
  5. On RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> Microsoft Azure Solution Architect (pass tests to verify their skills)

    • RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> Microsoft Azure Developer (Optional, but additional practice won't hurt)
    • RoleIQ Pluralsight -> RoleIQ -> Microsoft Azure Administrator (Optional, but additional practice won't hurt)
  6. Explore material at the Azure Architecture Center
  7. Exam AZ-300/301 is mandatory, because donating one without the other is not much point.

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