August IT Events Digest

    Summer is coming to the finish line: the concentration of away conferences, bootcamps and picnics reaches a peak; in cities, mitaps and other chamber meetings hold positions. August pleases us with a variety of topics (from design to blockchain, from system administration to Java) and a healthy balance of entertaining and informative events.

    Big Data, Meet Big Brother! Big Data Conference for Business and Society

    When: July 26
    Where: Moscow, ul. Novoslobodskaya, d. 16
    Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

    The complex interaction of big data and small data, the balance of business interests and the user's personal space will be discussed at the meeting organized by Sistema_VC. Representatives of corporations and start-ups, as well as invited psychologists and sociologists will take part in the conversation. In particular, a special guest of the conference, Jorgan Calllebaut, a member of the British Psychological Society, exploring the field of big data, personalization of communications and personality, will offer his own view on privacy issues in modern society and business. English-language reports will be accompanied by simultaneous translation.

    EOS Russia Meetup

    When: July 27-29
    Where: Moscow, Derbenevskaya Naberezhnaya, 7 p. 12, Crypto-coworking BLOCK.
    The terms of participation:free, registration is required

    Those who work with the EOS platform are given an excellent opportunity to join the nascent Russian community. The conference will discuss issues specific to young technological niches: how to increase popularity and trust in blockchain in society, how the educational process should be built, what are the professional and business prospects of specialists. Those who wish can also take part in the 36-hour hackathon, which will be held as part of the event - to complete one of two tasks from UMKA using the EOS platform and compete for cash prizes.

    404 CAMP

    When: July 27-29
    Where: Samara, camping Volga Discovery Park
    Conditions of participation: from 1,500 rubles.

    Samara community joins the general flash mob of open-air conferences. In three days, the participants will have to fit: reports, sports, tourist trips, DJ evening parties, beach vacations and all the spontaneous entertainment that the summer format has. The information part of the event is formed by fifteen speakers (CROC, 1C-Bitrix, Vkontakte, local companies) with a wide variety of interests and expertise: from blockchain to DevOps and project management, from technical aspects of development to product requirements.

    iOS Party

    When: July 31
    Where: Yekaterinburg, st. Khokhryakova, 10, Business Center "Palladium", 4th floor
    Terms of participation: free of charge, registration is required

    iOS developers in Yekaterinburg are invited to a small meeting in the Yandex office - to listen to a couple of reports and talk about the pain between themselves and with the organizers. At the moment, the program contains reports on identifying and eliminating vulnerabilities in applications and on using the capabilities of ARKit by the example of a game upgrade - the introduction of a multi-user mode in simple checkers.

    Design Thinking Camp

    When: August 1-3
    Where: Moscow, Kosmodamianskaya Embankment 52, p. 7, SAP Digital Leadership Center
    Terms of participation: from 20,000 rubles.

    The international congress of designers aims to outline the main user trends and discuss new solutions. The morning program consists of reports by local and invited experts from Russia, the USA, Canada, Germany; Afternoon are given for more interactive formats - practical sessions, excursions, discussion of private cases from representatives of large companies (Sberbank, Shokoladnitsa and others).

    Yandex.Cloud: plans and opportunities

    When: August 2
    Where:Moscow, st. Lev Tolstoy, 16, Yandex office, fourth entrance, Moulin Rouge conference room
    Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    In the Yandex Moscow office, meanwhile, there will be a presentation of the upcoming cloud platform for public launch. The team hopes to build a productive dialogue with the audience: platform developers will highlight its current capabilities and future development, and representatives of technology companies will help them figure out how best to adapt the product to current tasks and requirements.

    it-camp 2018

    When: August 3-5
    Where: Cheboksary, pos. Sosnovka, recreation center "Petrel"
    Conditions of participation: free of charge, registration is required

    System administrators also go to the beach. The event is held under the auspices of the employees of Kaspersky Lab and Microsoft, which prepare an educational program, reports and quests for participants. In your free time, you can do fitness, participate in competitions at the intersection of sports and IT, win something at competitions, dance to live music or just talk to more or less professional topics with colleagues and experts.


    When: August 7 - December 7
    Where: Moscow, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, 36, p. 3
    Terms of participation: 45 960 rubles. (from 11 500 rubles per module)

    A four-month course that includes everything you need to know for a junior in Android development. The program consists of five modules that successively set out the basics of creating Java applications: students can select and combine blocks to build a course based on their level of preparation. The first module contains basic concepts; the second module is dedicated to object-oriented programming; in the third, collections and multithreading are sorted out; the fourth and fifth modules cover the process of prototyping, developing and publishing an application. Two-hour classes are held twice a week, in the evenings on days convenient for the group. Upon completion of the course, graduates receive a ready-made application in the portfolio, a certificate and assistance in finding a job.

    Geek Picnic

    When and where:
    August 11-12 - Moscow (Kolomenskoye nature reserve)
    August 15-16 - Krasnodar (30-year-old park)
    August 18-18 - St. Petersburg (Central Park on the Elagin Island)

    Terms of participation: from 1000 rub

    All that the soul of the representatives of the IT community lies on is one platform: science, technology, geek culture. This year's list of zones is: Blockchain Picnic (all about the digital economy, cryptocurrencies and mining), Gamedev (with the participation of companies like Epic Games, ROVIO, PUBG Corp), Talent Alley (HR zone, where event partner companies can meet with interested parties), the Geek Picnic Cup (Hearthstone eSports Tournament) and a host of other hobby events - from space to steampunk. The format is mixed - lectures, exhibitions, interactive programs, shows and other pleasant surprises.

    BEMap in St. Petersburg

    When: August 12
    Where: St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky prospekt, 2, building 2, Benois business center
    Participation conditions: free of charge, registration is required

    Yandex Regular Initiative: A small introductory course on the BEM methodology from the people who developed it. The intensive is divided into several blocks: first, employees will explain the general concept with reference to real examples, give good practices for CSS and HTML, and talk about redefinition levels and assembly. The following is a detailed analysis of the project on React.js and instructions for describing components in a declarative style. Finally, students will learn more about bem-react-core and its benefits.

    The first in Russia JAVABOOTCAMP

    When: August 14-28
    Where: recreation center "My Dream", transfer from St. Petersburg
    Conditions of participation: 48 000 rub.

    The organizers offer those who work with Java in practice or in dreams to donate the last two weeks of the summer to upgrade their skills. The victim, however, is small - classes will take place outside the cities and include breaks with outdoor activities. The level of training does not matter: the program is built for each participant individually. For beginners, the emphasis is on basic designs, data structures, features of Java 8 and Java 9, work with the console and files; for those who continue - to new technologies and frameworks, for advanced ones - to polish weak spots and increase to the level of Middle. In each case, the training will be applied: mentors will help to learn new things directly during the work on the project.

    ClickHouse Meetup

    When: August 16th
    Where:St. Petersburg, Piskarevsky prospekt, 2, bldg . 2, Benois business center
    Participation conditions: free, registration is required

    This meeting with a talking name will be entirely devoted to the rumored, fast and efficient database management system that Yandex uses and recommend to others. Among the speakers are both team members with announcements and stories about the future development of the project, as well as industry representatives who can offer an unbiased look from users.

    Gamedev Weekend

    When: August 18-19
    Where: Berdsk, Microdistrict: Zeleny Ostrov, 9/1 (transit from Novosibirsk, metro station Rechnoy Vokzal)
    Terms of participation: 1,500 rubles.

    A pleasant and doubly useful pastime for the representatives of the Siberian game dev: a whole weekend in a tent city surrounded by comrades in the shop ready to share their accumulated insights. The single track mixes topics that affect different aspects of game development: graphics, programming, localization, Unity 3D, entering the market, analytics, finding work and workers. There is also a place in the program for parsing several cases. In the evenings - rest in the best traditions: parties and networking.

    Open-air conference #CryptoBBQ

    When: August 23
    Where: Moscow, 1 Stroginskoye Shosse, BereZy Park
    Terms of participation: from 4990 rub.

    Cryptocurrencies - for the first time in nature. Here you will find everything that you associate with a solid cryptoconference - discussing cases and trends, an exhibition of projects from large companies, workshops, networking - only with a bonus barbecue, food fair and outdoor activities. Solid experts from the USA, Europe and Asia will join this all, some of whom will perform in Russia for the first time. Declared topics include: ICO, investing and other aspects of the project development, the introduction of blockchain in various industries and the public sector, the situation in local markets, forecasts for the technology as a whole, technical implementation details.

    Robonomics 2018

    When: August 20-24
    Where: Togliatti, Southern Highway, 165
    Terms of participation: from 5000 rubles.

    Intensive is designed to dispel popular myths about the blockchain, protect its reputation from accusations of empty high generation and show its real possibilities in building smart cities. For this purpose, Russian and foreign experts will come to the site for four days. The engineering focus implies that the matter will not be limited to conversations and speeches - under the leadership of the Airalab team, guests will prototype, create and test a simulation on the Ethereum infrastructure, refreshing and complementing their knowledge and solving private cases between the tasks.

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