Tesla cars began to appear in Russia

    To write this article, I was “encouraged” by a generally insignificant event - the Tesla electric car ( http://spbvoditel.ru/2015/12/02/022/ ) was “lit up” for the first time in a traffic accident report in St. Petersburg . Then it became interesting to find out how this car is operated in our and other countries. It turned out to be very interesting, details under the cut.

    Since we are talking about road accidents, we cannot but mention the important aspect - car safety. The first interesting point is the design.

    (photo chargedevs.com)

    It is interesting here that Tesla does not have the usual engine under the front hood, which, firstly, allows you to use the front space for luggage, and secondly (which is even more important), a large space in front is a shock absorber in an accident. At the bottom of the car is a battery (with a capacity of 85 kW * h), the design of which is reinforced, which also provides additional strength to the body. A very low center of gravity increases the stability of the car on the road. In general, according to 2013 data, Tesla received the highest security rating.

    By the way, an unusual picture for the owner of a traditional car:

    (photo cnet.com)

    However, this was a departure from the topic, let's move on to the most relevant for an electric vehicle - the charging process.

    Battery charge

    Included with the car is a charger called Mobile Connector up to 11kW.

    As written on the manufacturer’s website “Anywhere. Seriously. Where there's an outlet, you can charge. ”. However, not all so simple. If you simply connect the charger to a conventional outlet, then the charge will be carried out by a current of 2.3 kW. It is easy to calculate that it takes 85 / 2.3 = 36 hours to fully charge a 85kW * h battery with a power of 2.3kW (for simplicity we do not take efficiency into account). As it is written on the manufacturer’s website, an hour charge with such power is enough to drive ... 14km. To put it mildly, sparse, and in the words "Anywhere. Seriously. ”The manufacturer is“ slightly ”cunning - it’s obviously impossible to charge the car like a phone during lunch at McDonalds.
    If there is a garage (or cottage), then the task is certainly simplified. If only the mains is capable of withstanding continuous currents of 16A and above.

    Go ahead. If the power supply is capable of withstanding 7kW, then you can put just such a socket:

    It is unlikely that you can find such a socket anywhere, but if you succeed, then (when charging with a current of 32A), an hour the car will accumulate energy for as much as 36km. A full charge will take 10-12 hours (which is quite possible at home).

    And finally, a 3-phase socket: from

    it you can get 11 kW, the maximum capacity of a standard charger, after an hour of charging with such a current, the car will be able to drive 55 km. With a three-phase network, you can also get 22KW, but you will have to buy and install a separate Dual Charger charger.

    There are also stationary Tesla Supercharger charging stations capable of delivering 100kW of power.

    (photo chargedevs.com)

    Alas, there are none in Russia. If there were, such a station would charge the battery to half in about 20 minutes. Moreover, charging them is officially free, which is a definite plus, but ... see above. In Europe, judging by the map, everything is not bad:

    However, somewhere on the border with Poland, the freebie ends abruptly.

    Cruising range and refueling cost

    The power reserve of a car at full charge is, according to the specification, about 400 km, which is quite consistent with the impressions of the owners (for example, here ).
    Talking about the price of electricity is probably pointless (at a car price in Russia about 5 mln.r.), but it can be calculated that with a battery capacity of 85 kW * h, its charge will cost about 400 rubles (at a kilowatt price of 3 r.80 kop). Tesla also has an automatic mode for switching on charging at night, which will allow you to use a cheaper tariff. But even at the "daily" cost, the price of 100 km of mileage turns out to be about 100 rubles, which is noticeably cheaper than gasoline cars.

    Unfortunately, there are reviews about "childhood diseases." Constructions of traditional cars have been “polished" for decades, which cannot be said about Tesla. According to some reviews, the number of vehicle breakdowns during operation is quite large . Probably, in the following modifications the problems will be eliminated, but the first buyers of any new products “pay for progress”, it is difficult to argue with this.

    By the way, Tesla is not officially delivered to Russia, so there are clearly no service centers here. It’s hard to say how owners of cars for 5 million will fix the breakdowns, it is unlikely that the qualifications of the masters of ordinary service centers will be enough to fix such a non-standard design.


    Of course, the future is with electric cars. In Europe, this is no longer such an exotic thing, and it’s not the oligarchs who travel - one of the acquaintances of the owners, this is the usual team lead in a software company in Amsterdam. However, for the time being it seems that the infrastructure of electric networks for such cars is not quite ready. If we imagine a typical residential building (or business center) with parking for 100 cars, then even if 20 of them include 7.5kW chargers, we will already receive 150kW of electricity consumption. It is difficult to say about Europe, but in Russia for a 17-story residential building, the total load calculated according to SP 31-110-2003 is 162 kW ( calculation example ). The result, in general, is clear - if, hypothetically, all car owners in the house switch to an electric car, nothing good will come of it.

    On the other hand, for the happy owners of their own garage in their own house, everything is not so bad, 300-400 km is a sufficient power reserve, and putting the car on charge once every few days is not such a difficult task. In general, progress is underway, and it pleases. What will happen next, let's see.

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