Bluetooth awaits big improvements in 2016


    The number of connected gadgets is constantly growing in the mobile device market. This sets the bar for the standard Bluetooth connectivity. On Wednesday, The Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) announced that in 2016, their brainchild is expected to see big improvements. In the stale list there is a longer range, increased data transfer speed, mesh networks. SIG is committed to making its wireless technology a feature of all small devices.

    SIG Chairman Toby Nixon said: “The Bluetooth enhancements presented are a major challenge that the association has set for us. Today's market estimate for the Internet of Things is between $ 2 and $ 11.1 trillion for 2025. Updating Bluetooth technology in 2016 will help realize this potential and accelerate the growth of the Internet of Things. ”

    SIG promise that among the improvements there will be an increase in the range of Bluetooth LE up to 4 times, which will provide communication not only in the house, but also outside. A twofold increase in speed is also expected (SIG emphasizes the importance of this modification for growing markets). With the help of mesh-networks, it will now be possible to use some devices as “bridges”, thus interconnecting other gadgets. So far, these are all known improvements from the planned ones, but according to SIG, we will learn about other modifications in the coming months.

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