Pebble Time watch spoke in Russian
There was a custom firmware for Pebble Time with Cyrillic support! With native firmware, the clock shows rectangles instead of Russian letters , which makes it impossible to read notifications in Russian. It is interesting that the author of the firmware, Semyon Maryasin, dealt with the new resource format, using only the experience of writing patches for the previous generation of watches. He does not have his rebble time for tests yet.
With the letter H, everything is in order, the text on the KDPV is comic. A message about the successful assembly of the firmware appeared the day before yesterday on the Pebble forum . Semen prepared two assemblies:
As it turned out from the analysis of the Pebble Time iOS application, now there are two versions of the clock iron, and for each of them there is a separate original firmware. Semyon patched both, and I conducted an experiment and found out that only the first file marked as dvt is suitable for my watch. So if you, like mine, in Settings -> System -> Information, have the hardware version “snowy22” specified, then you can safely install the first firmware (dvt).
The hardware version which evt2 firmware is suitable for is not yet known, but if you do not have "snowy22", then most likely your option is evt2. A request to the owners of such watches - respond in the comments.
I have been using Russian firmware for two days now, I have no problems.
If you have already installed firmware from pebblebits.com,then you won’t have any difficulties with flashing the clock, everything works the same as for the previous generation Pebble. The flashing procedure is carried out by air, from a paired smartphone. You need to transfer the pbz file to your smartphone (for example, by opening the link to the file in Safari), and then open it in the Pebble Time application. A warning appears that Pebble is not responsible for the quality of third-party firmware with which you must agree. Next, the transfer and installation of the firmware will begin, and then the clock will reboot. If you download the wrong version of the firmware, nothing bad will happen. The application will simply give an error that an incompatible version of the firmware has been selected.
A separate ray of good technical support Pebble who stubbornly ignore questions about the support of the Cyrillic alphabet from the box. In this regard, even createdpetition . I signed up just in case, although I doubt that this will give any result. I think it’s much more useful to donate a little money to Semyon , without whose efforts Madrobots and other domestic stores would sell at least some Pebble in Russia.
Update: Current patches and firmware are now on github .
Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.
Survey for Pebble Time owners. What version of hardware is listed in Settings -> System -> Information?
- 57.6% snowy22 34
- 42.3% other (I will write in the comments) 25