Russia in 2014 carried out 38 space launches and launched 80 orbits

    For the first time since the days of the USSR, 38 launch rockets were launched from Russian cosmodromes. 80 spacecraft were put into orbit of the planet.

    In the photo - the launch of the Soyuz-FG launch vehicle .


    In the past year, Russia sent 80 spacecraft into space. Of these, 44 are small satellites, 31 are satellites for state needs, and 5 are commercial vehicles. Russian enterprises have created three devices for foreign customers.

    The Dnepr conversion launch vehicle launched on June 19 with 34 spacecraft for customers from 10 countries became the record holder in the number of satellites put into orbit. Four launches of Soyuz-STB rockets took place from the Kourou Cosmodrome in French Guiana - Russian specialists did this. Another launch of the Zenit-2SL launch vehicle took place as part of the Sea Launch program.

    The total number of space launches from Russian cosmodromes was 38 in 2014. Industry experts tested the launch vehicles of the Angara 1.2 light class and the Angara-A5 heavy rocket .

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