The largest Russian IT companies began to speak out about the actions of Roskomnadzor
As you know, Roskomnadzor is at war with the Telegram messenger, hoping to block the creation of Pavel Durov’s company in Russia. Initially, representatives of the department did not have doubts about the possibility of implementing their plans. But then something went wrong: the messenger, at least with failures, continued to work, but many other resources, including the website of Roskomnadzor itself, refused to open.
The peak of the confrontation occurred on the night of April 27, when Roskomnadzor sent to block the addresses of a number of Russian companies, including Yandex, Vkontakte, and some others. True, after a few hours the lock was lifted, but the companies themselves no longer began to restrain themselves and began to speak out about what was happening.
For example, according to Ochir Mandzhikov, Yandex’s director of public relations, Roskomnadzor began to harm the entire Runet with its actions: “An attempt to block Telegram in Russia unexpectedly hit a whole Runet. The blocking affected not only the messenger - many resources and their users suffered. We do not consider this situation normal. ”
According to representatives of Yandex, the Russian market is able to develop only when there are conditions for open competition. But limiting access to various resources and services, the development of Runet is harmful. Therefore, the company believes that the lack of choice for the user is one of the most dangerous consequences of blocking. The company in its assessment of what was happening went even further, saying that the unstable situation with Runet deprives the country of the possibility of technological competition in world markets in the future.
Telegram unexpectedly supported the social network "Vkontakte". Managing Director of the resource Andrei Rogozov said that the transfer of any keys and gaining access to information outside the device with a messenger where end-to-end encryption works is impossible by definition.
Rogozov commented on the situation as follows: “We see how, due to a lack of understanding of the principles of the modern Internet, access to many resources is limited. Services that are used by millions of people are completely or partially unavailable. This limits or complicates the work of businesses, primarily technological ones. ” The social network said that Roskomnadzor blocked one of the addresses of the social network, as a result of which some of the users lost access to the resource. In addition, Vkontakte had to disable the integration of the ReCaptcha service, which Vkontakte uses to combat spam.
Anton Fedchin, head of Odnoklassniki, believesthat the situation with the blocking of Telegram (or rather, attempts to block the messenger) already affects the business as a whole. So, almost any company now depends on the smooth operation of the Internet, since communication with customers occurs mainly on the network. Failures in the Russian-language segment of the Internet are beginning to affect not only the Internet, but the entire Russian economy as a whole.
If we take the Internet business, then the situation is even more complicated, because how can new directions be developed if users lose access to them? Odnoklassniki has just this problem: “We are taking the first steps in the direction of electronic commerce and have launched our marketplace with goods, but if there is no quick and convenient access to these goods, all this will not be necessary: it’s easier to go to the market or ordinary store. "
Nino Donazde, the head of the Qiwi PR department, said that the company “is for free runet and against digital inequality and any restriction of user access to the Internet. We believe that in the digital age, a rational dialogue between government and business is needed to find a balance between security and the development of innovative technologies. ” If you make any decisions that limit the development of technology, then these decisions must be made taking into account the feasibility of their implementation, as well as assessing the consequences for the business. Qiwi compares the actions of a supervisor (i.e. Roskomnadzor) with an elephant in a china shop. And now everyone suffers, except Telegram.
Approximately the same opinion is expressed by representatives of , Rambler and other companies.
Well, Roskomnadzor, which is quite logical, does not consider itself guilty of what happened. According to the agency, foreign companies are to blame for all the problems of runet: “The actions of a number of foreign companies that continue to provide Telegram with hosting services lead to malfunctioning of sites, which is a deliberate hindrance to the execution of the decision of the Tagansky District Court of Moscow in relation to Telegram."